W A L T E R   'B U D D Y   B O Y'   H A W K I N S

Hawkins representa una de les llacunes més fascinant en la història del blues. Es rumoreja que va ser criat al voltant Blytheville, Mississippi, però el mínims d'investigació que s'han dut a terme mai han produït res concloent. El que és segur és que ell era un artista únic que utilitza un estil de guitarra i lliurament vocal que han desafiat la categorització. Va gravar 12 temes per Paramount entre 1927 (Chicago) i 1929 (Richmond, Indiana), molt apreciada pels col·leccionistes, que va comptar amb el seu blues estranyament construïdes, melodies de drap i la peculiar "Voice Throwing Blues "  que va donar lloc a l'especulació de que ell pot tenir estat una demostració de la medicina ventríloc. L'evidència de les seves cançons sense dubte sembla indicar que era un excursionista o vagabund.

I do not own the copyright to this recording. This video is for historical and educational purposes.

For information about this artist please visit the website:


(Note:Not everything on this website is correct, Hawkins was believed to have been an Arkansas native)

Composed by Walter Hawkins

Walter "Buddy Boy" Hawkins:Guitar & Comments

Recorded in Richmond, IN. Friday, June 14, 1929

Originally issued on the 1929 single (Paramount 12814) (78 RPM)

This recording taken from the 1997 3-CD Box Set "Southern Country Blues Vol. 1:Down In Boogie Alley" (Austria)

Number Three Blues by Walter "Buddy Boy" Hawkins. Country Blues from 1927.

Little is known of Hawkins, other than where he was on three recording dates and the half hour of his life during which he made eleven recordings, released on the Paramount record label. Both Mississippi and Alabama have been suggested as possible home states. His voice seems to be that of a man older than many others recording at the time such as Blind Lemon Jefferson, Blind Willie McTell and Son House. His guitar style is less intricate, less powerful or aggressive, yet his records are very appealing in their relative simplicity with a gentle, reflective and lyrical quality. All are fine, unique, country blues.

William Harris and Buddy Boy Hawkins- Buy the album on which this track appears by going to www.document-records.com Document Records has the largest catalogue of vintage blues, gospel, jazz and old-time country music in the world



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