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Yes, my friends,after three years another time I´m on the road again, tomorrow shall beguin in the new job for me. I hope so this time as the definitive oportunity for me. I hope so . Is a diferent way of work, until today i´m move on the city., only the city, sure as the city became to me ( some times ago),atractive., but now is just the moment i need a change in my life. If this moment i shall listen music many times of the day , of course my music in the car will be Blues, always Blues, my friends becouse The Blues is one of the ways to workers stimulate whith this tape of music , baby´s becouse is the music of help you to continue..... Lets Continue !!!!! .. My favorite , is.... remember you... Mr Albert King, of course another musicians absoluty fantastics, as B.B.King , and others. for example.. ON THE ROAD AGAIN., ... the best version from CANNED HEAT......... Tank you my friends for your comprehension. Mandonguilla Blues