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Black Ace was the most frequently used stage name of the American Texas blues musician born Babe Kyro Lemon Turner (December 21, 1905 – November 7, 1972) who was also known as B. K. Turner, Black Ace Turner, Babe Turner and Buck Turner.

He was born in Hughes Springs, Texas,and was raised on his family's farm. He taught himself to play guitar and performed in east Texas from the late 1920s on. In the early 1930s he began playing with Smokey Hogg and Oscar "Buddy" Woods, a Hawaiian-style guitarist who played with the instrument flat on his lap. Turner then bought a National steel guitar and began playing what a later critic called "Hawaii meets the Delta," smooth and simple blues.

In 1937, Turner recorded six songs (possibly with Hogg as second guitarist) for Decca Records in Dallas, including the blues song "Black Ace" In the same year, he started a radio show on KFJZ in Fort Worth, using that recording as a theme song, and soon assumed the name.[4]


In 1941 he appeared in The Blood of Jesus, an African-American movie produced by Spencer Williams Jr. In 1943 Turner was drafted into the United States Army and gave up playing music for some years. In 1960, Chris Strachwitz, the owner of Arhoolie Records, persuaded him to record an album for Arhoolie. His last public performance was in the 1962 film documentary The Blues.

Turner died of cancer in Fort Worth in 1972. Turner has a grandson Bobby Turner of Trinidad Texas.


De nombre completo Hughes Baby Kiro Lemon Turner, nació un 22 de Diciembre de 1907. en Spring Texas, Como podeis ver en el video era un guiatrrista de estilo " hawaiano" que tocaba la guitarra en posición horizontal  mientras deliza por las cuerdas una pequeña botellita . Solía tocar en tabernas de Louisiana y llegó a tener programa diario en la radio local titulado precisamente The Black Ace., lo que luego le servíría para usarlo como seudónimo.Llegó a trabajar como actor de cine en donde se afirmaría en su profesión como técnico dejando de lado el tema de la música. En el año 1960 el musicólogo Paul Oliver que despues de una intensa búsqueda dió con él consiguiendo que grabase un excelente album editado por Arhoolie como magnifica compilación de casi toda su carrera musical. Murió en 1972 en Fort Worth, Texas Mandonguilla  Blues


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