Details about the life of Turner Parrish are unknown. He made his debut recordings in 1929 singing and playing piano on two cuts where he was possibly backed by Bob Robinson on clarinet, that were issued on Supertone. In 1932 he recorded two more numbers, just as piano solos. His final session was in 1933, where he recorded four more piano solos including this one. Even though Parrish left behind only eight recordings, they give fact that he was a tremendous pianist that probably worked out of Chicago.

Como veis no se conocen muchos datos de este pianista que forma parte junto con los mencionados anteriormente del abanico de pioneros del Boogie-Woogie, tal y como leemos en el libro " El Jazz clàssic i la seva història" de Jaume Carbonell i Goberna -Manuals Universitaris I - Galerada-. absolutamente recomendable.

Mandonguilla Blues


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