Jimmy Page............ In The Begin . . . .

Curioso este video de Jimmy Page en el año 1957 ! tenía 13 añítos y el mozalbete ya prometía ............
Curiosa tambien la versión del tradicional Cotton Fields........ en fin un video lleno de .... Curiosidades !
Estaría pensando el muchacho en Led Zeppelin ? . . . . .      
Según podemos leer en la Wikipedia , su idea no era esta precisamente :

At the age of 13, Page appeared on Huw Wheldon's All Your Own talent quest programme in a skiffle
quartet, one performance of which aired on BBC TV in 1957. The group played "Mama Don't Want To Skiffle Anymore" and another very American-flavoured song, "In Them Ol' Cottonfields Back Home". When asked by Wheldon what he wanted to do after schooling, Page said, "I want to do biological research" to find a cure for "cancer, if it isn't discovered by then".

Se malogró un biólogo, se ganó un guitarrista !

Mandonguilla Blues


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