No tenemos del todo claro si el tema Diggin´my potatoes es original de LEADBELLY ( Huddie William Ledbetter) ó bien éste se limitó a adaptar una canción popular. El caso es que se ha versionado en innumerables ocasiones, una de las mas curiosas es ésta de Brownie McGhee , que no contento con cultivar patatas , las cambió por tomates ..............

Brownie McGhee : Guitar/Vocal
George Washington : Washboard

Baby, they diggin' my potatoes
Lord, they trampin' on my vine
Now I've got a special plan now baby
Lord, that a-restin' on my mind
Now, I don't want no cabbage sprouts,
Bring me a solid head.
S'pose they call the wagon . . . (?)
I catched him in my bed
You know they -- (REFRAIN)
Now my vines is all green
'Tatoes they all red
Never found a bruised one
Till I caught them in my bed
You know they -- (REFRAIN)
Now, I've been all around
Lookin' up and down
Never found my baby
'Cause she was layin' in another town
I know she's diggin' my potatoes
Lord, she's trampin' on my vine
Yes, now I got a special plan now baby
Lord, that a-restin' on my mind
Yes, I've got a special plan now baby
Lord, that a-restin' on my mind

 Dos de las versiones mas populares que hicieron  Washboard Sam  y Memphis Slim



Y la de su "autor "que le añade el  Alguien .......


Micro version de THE BEATLES ! 



Buddy Guy & Junior Wells, la dan como una canción tradicional..... y cambian la letra totalmente :

You don't love me, baby, just like I love you
If you loved me, woman, you wouldn't have me standin'
'round cryin'
I was walking out the back door, when somebody else
was tippin' in
Lord, it hurt so bad, to hear him call your name
Somebody's digging my potatoes, trampin' on my vine
You know I feel so bad, people, ain't it a cryin'
Keep on steppin', mama, don't come around my house no
Lord, I'm so glad to see you walk right on by that
Lord, I need somebody, to hold me in their arms
Lord, just make me feel so good, please don't let me
cry no more
Lord, I'm moving, yes I'm moving, movin' on down the
I got a real funny feeling', li'l girl I can't use you
no more

En fin , un auténtico  Berengenal !

Mandonguilla Blues

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