A great music and dance number from the 1940's and the Abbott & Costello film, "Keep 'Em Flying." That's Freddie Slack at the piano. ( post. 5-1-13 )

Martha Raye (August 27, 1916 – October 19, 1994) was an American comic actress and standards singer who performed in movies, and later on television. She was honored in 1969 with an Academy Award as the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award recipient for her volunteer efforts and services to the troops.


Por lo que parece el tema esta dedicado a un  pianista " fan " de los pies de cerdo....... y de la cerveza ! ....

Way out in Kansas City on one, two street, they
say that there's a guy they call Pig Foot Pete.

He plays piano, by ear, and he'll
play all night for pig's feet and beer.

He's "murder" on the eighty eight, he's the
guy who brought the Boogie Woogie up to date.

He's got a cannon, in his left hand, and a ri-
fle, in his right, he's just a double barrelled

and he shoots the eight beats to you at a fright'nin' rate.

He's just a solid "wiz", I'll tell you who he is, he's
Pig Foot Pete of Boogie Woogie's elite.

His hands are just as big as Virginia hams, and
when they go to work they're like battrin' rams,

and when he plays on, that box, the joint

Until you're beat to your sox. Wherever
boogie, is part of the plan, you'll find
Pig Foot Pete, the Boogie Woogie man.

Google translate : 

Camí a Kansas City en un, dos carrer,
dir que hi ha un tipus que ells anomenen Pig Foot Pete.

Toca el piano, d'oïda, i ell va a
jugar tota la nit per als peus de porc i cervesa.

Ell és el "assassinat" dels vuitanta-vuit anys, que és el
tipus que va portar el Boogie Woogie al dia.

Ell té un canó, a la mà esquerra, i un ri
flexibilitat, a la dreta, ell és només un doble canó

i li dispara als vuit cops a vostè a una taxa fright'nin '.

No és més que un sòlid "Wiz", et diré qui és, ell és
Pig Foot Pete d'elit de Boogie Woogie.

Les seves mans són tan grans com pernils de Virgínia, i
quan van a treballar són com anyells battrin ',

i quan sona, la caixa, l'articulació

Fins que estiguis vèncer al teu sox. On
boogie, és part del pla, trobareu
Pig Foot Pete, l'home Boogie Woogie.

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