Ladies sings The Blues ,  nos gusta esta obra del artista LEONARD JONES.

Leonard Jones
Leonard Jones

Leonard Jones was born in the early 1950′s in Lincoln Co., Georgia and continues to live there today.  His old tin roof farmhouse lacks electricity and running water, but Jones doesn’t mind the simple life.  In school, Jones made his first painting, but then had to quit in order to support himself as a laborer for several years.  Eventually. he rediscoverd his talent and love for painting, and has since become a successful artist.  On roofing tin, spread out on the ground, Jonespaints scenes that are inspired by childhood memories and his immediate surrounding.  Some of his favorite subjects are fishermen on the Savannah River, blues musicians, and the local community.  He uses house paint and a large brush for the expansive areas of color but adds details and outlines for figures or objects with broken sticks dipped in paint, or often,his fingers.
Jones has been featured in many gallery exhibitions, and is included in the collection of the House of Blues.

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