Con el Reverendo DAN SMITH .,( muy marchoso por cierto), acabamos esta breve referencia de 3 post´s   incluyendo éste,   dedicados al HOLY BLUES. Un estilo con clarísimas influencias en la vieja música country sin duda, aunque derivando hacia el GOSPEL .


"Go Ye and Preach My Gospel" is a song by (Rev.) Dan Smith from his album "God Is Not Dead, Vol. 1", released on the Biograph label in 1972.

"God Is Not Dead, Vol. 1" is currently out of print and only rarely available as record (LP). I got this one from a friend, who was happy to share it with me. Many thanks for that again! And it is with his kind permission that I am able to share this song with all you old time gospel-blues lovers.

Rev. Dan Smith (born: January 23, 1911, Alabama) was a gospel blues harmonica and singer for 80-plus years.


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