Joey Gilmore es un semínola  (*) de pura cepa , nacido en Florida empezó muy joven su carrera musical grabando un buen número de singles, tiene un estilo parecido a Mr. Albert King, sin duda uno de sus maestros, en 1995 realizó una gira por Europa con gran éxito.                                                        

Award winning, legendary blues artist Joey Gilmore has shared the stage with artists such as James Brown, Etta James, Bobby Bland, Little Milton, Johnny Taylor and numerous others. In January 2006 Joey was the winner of the most distinguished and internationally coveted award in all of blues: The International BLUES Challenge. Joey Gilmore is a consummate entertainer with a career has spanning over 40 years with performances throughout the United States and Europe.


Live at the 90 Mile Lounge, Key West


WIEN / Vienna 3.julij.2013 Joey Gilmore With SEAN CARNEY BAND in REIGEN CLUB
Joey Gilmore -- Vocals/guitar ,Sean Carney -- Vocals/guitar ,Stephane Barral -- Bass,
Pascal Delmas -- Drums

Born in Ocala on July 6, 1944, Joey Gilmore came to South Florida in the ’60s and has been there ever since. Gilmore found his niche playing behind all the great soul, blues and R&B stars that passed through town, as well as leading his own successful bands and recording along the way. Joey is a true Blues and R & B master who incorporates new and varied styles in his music performing original compositions mixed with traditional standards in his high energy live show. His tenor/baritone vocals belt out tunes with a loss abandon reminiscent of Blues Legends from the 1940’s and 1950’s. This Blues man’s major influences are apparent without sacrificing his unique style. Artists Joey has shared the stage with include; James Brown, Etta James, Bobby Bland, Little Milton, Johnny Taylor and numerous others. In January 2006 Joey traveled to Memphis to compete in The International BLUES Challenge. This is the most distinguished and internationally coveted award in all of blues. The Joey Gilmore Band outscored all bands worldwide while showcasing his amazing talent at a blues industry event as the best unsigned band on the planet. Joey is proud to represent the BLUES FOUNDATION as the winner at every sponsored event, being an ambassador of the BLUES for the Foundation and Blues Community. In 2008 Joey was awarded the Blewzzy award for best song, ALL OVER YOU.
Los seminola son una tribu indígena de Norteamérica de la familia lingüística muscogui. No está claro si su nombre procede de la palabra «muscoguí» (Isti) simano-li, que significa «desertores» o «meridionales», o del término español «cimarrón» (de esta palabra española deriva el nombre «marrons» con que los llamaron los francófonos). Ellos mismos se llaman «Ikaniuksalgi», que significa «gente de la península».
Antiguamente residían al norte de la península de Florida. Actualmente están divididos en dos grupos. Los más numerosos viven en Wevoka (Seminola Country, Oklahoma) y el resto sigue viviendo en Florida, en las reservas de Big Cypress Swamp/Pantano Gran Ciprés (los mikasuki), Brighton, Dania, Seminole y Tamiami Trail.


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