SON BECKY , pianista formaba parte en su momento del grupo conocido como THE SANTE FE, junto con Conish Burks, Rod Cooper, Black Boy Shine , Andy Boy, Robert " Fud " Shaw y Edwin Buster Pickens ( ver post. 2/3/13) , como es habitual escasea la información acerca de estos artistas salvo algunos recopilatorios de díficil localización. 


Texas was as rich in piano blues as Mississippi was in guitar blues, which is not to say that there were no great blues guitarists in Texas, or piano men in Mississippi. A cursory glance through the discographies will emphasize the fact that a remarkable number of blues pianists came from Texas. They can be grouped into schools, characterized by certain similarities of style and approach, that were partly a reflection of the environments in which they worked, of their friendships and associations with other pianists, and by the isolation of Texas from other states. One school was the so-called Santa Fe group who were based in the southwestern part of the state where the cities of Galveston, Houston and Richmond lie. Here was where the music thrived and pianists could be found like Pinetop Burks, Son Becky, Rob Cooper, Black Boy Shine, Andy Boy, Big Boy Knox, Robert Shaw, Buster Pickens and the singers who worked with them like Walter Cowboy Washington and Joe Pullum. The other important school was a cluster of pianists and singers based in Dallas such as Alex Moore, Texas Bill Day, Neal Roberts Willie Tyson, and singer Billiken Johnson.


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