NICK MOSS BAND , una banda que es mou sobretot per América, fan Blues, Soul i una miqueta de Rock & Roll segons propia confesió,  no fa massa que tenen un nou disc al mercat el cual ens plau de presentar-vos.Recentment han tocat amb Gary Clark Jr., i col-laboren habitualment amb músics afins al seu estil, veieu video amb el guitarrista Ronnie Earl 


Nick Moss Band is back with a fiery new release that has been described by GuitarWorld as "nothing less than a powerful gumbo of Chicago soul, funk, blues, jam and rock 'n roll." This is just a taste of this stellar album, in stores 3.18.14. Pre-order at Amazon, iTunes and on 2.25.14! For more info, visit

Video filming and production by Jason Wood.

Songs from "Time Ain't Free" featured:
"Death Letter Blues" (Eddie J. House Jr.)
"Fare Thee Well" (Lyrics by Michael Ledbetter / Music by Nick Moss)
"Time Ain't Free" (Nick Moss)
"I Want the World to Know" (Michael Ledbetter)


Nick Moss Band Live @ Smoken' Joe's 6/10/13
Nick Moss: guitar, vocals, harmonica
Michael Ledbetter: guitar, vocals, percussion
Ronnie James: bass
Taylor Streiff: organ/piano
Patrick Seals: drums


Nick Moss with Ronnie Earl Live a the Bull Run, Shirley, Ma 01/12/13

RIsin Way


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