ANDY J.FOREST es un home polifacétic, músic , artista pintor , cineasta etc.etc. Llegiu de la seva propia web-site on diu : 
Nascut el 1955, Andy ha estat tocant l'harmònica i cantant professionalment des de 1977. Ha enregistrat set discos LP, 12 CD i dos 45s. Aquests enregistraments compten en la seva majoria cançons originals . Després de viure a Europa durant deu anys va tornar a casa de Nova Orleans el 1991, on ell juga en clubs i sovint va de gira a Europa i Canadà. 
Les primeres influències van ser Sonny Terry, Little Walter Jacobs, Sonny Boy Williamson, James Cotton, Paul Butterfield, el Taj Mahal i Charlie Musselwhite - per nomenar alguns. Ha tocat a l'escenari amb BB King, Bobby Blue Bland, Johnny Shines, Champion Jack Dupree, James Booker i molts altres grans dels BLUES . Ha escrit desenes de cançons, una novel·la que es va publicar en tres idiomes (Letter From Hell) i pinta , la majoria de BLUES ,   cantants y de jazz. El Cd d'Andy "Històries reals: de la mà d'obra d'amor i altres catàstrofes d'origen humà" per Slang  Records guanya "Millor Àlbum de Blues" de 2007, en el millor dels Premis ritme de Nova Orleans. El CD "Història Notown: El Triomf de l'agitació" va ser nominat a un altre premi Millor  de 2010. 
Els últims CD "OTHER ROOMS " disponible en i CDBaby 
Entre 1985 i 1990 Andy va actuar en una dotzena de pel·lícules de produccions en la seva majoria italians . A l'octubre de 2010 va començar a fer vídeos i curtmetratges professionalment. Fins ara Andy ha fet prop de 50 produccions per a bandes locals de Nova Orleans i alguns trailers  per booksBnimble (una nova companyia de publicació en línia).

 Born in 1955, Andy has been playing harmonica and singing professionally since 1977. He has recorded 7 LPs, 12 cds and two 45s. These recordings feature mostly Forest’s original songs.  After living in Europe for ten years he returned to his home New Orleans in 1991 where he plays in clubs and frequently goes on tour in Europe and Canada. 
      Early influences were Sonny Terry, Little Walter Jacobs, Sonny Boy Williamson, James Cotton, Paul Butterfield, Taj Mahal and Charlie Musselwhite - to name a few. He has played on stage with B.B. King, Bobby Blue Bland, Johnny Shines, Champion Jack DuPree, James Booker and many other greats of the Blues. He has written scores of songs, one novel which was published in 3 languages (Letter From Hell) and paints “outside” art,  mostly of blues and jazz singers. Andy’s cd “Real Stories: of love labor and other man-made catastrophies” for Slang Records won “Best Blues Album” of 2007 in the Best of The Beat Awards of New Orleans.  The CD “NOtown Story: The Triumph of Turmoil” was Nominated for another Best of The Beat Award for 2010. 
The latest CD "Other Rooms" available at and CDbaby
Between 1985 and 1990 Andy acted in a dozen films for mostly Italian productions doing supporting and lead roles. As of October 2010 he began making videos and short films professionally. So far Andy has done about 50 productions for local New Orleans Bands and a few trailers for booksBnimble (a new online publishing company).



On the SchoolHouse Stage at Neat Coffee Shop in Burnstown April 11th, 2010.


Andy J Forest Live at the BMC (Balcony Music Club) in New Orleans where Andy J Forest plays every Sunday night. The first in a series of new videos of 2011. "The Blues Blues" is an original song from the latest CD "NOtown Story: The Triumph of Turmoil" available on CDbaby, itunes and @ 

