Els germans ALVIN, no habíen gravat mai junts com a dúo un álbum fins aquest any, si que es veritat que la seva col-laboració va ser intensa en el grup THE BLASTERS. Phil Alvin va estar a punt de morir en un viatge a Valencia precisament a causa d´una afecció bucal, es arrna d´aquest incident on se li va arrivar a comunicar al seu germá  Dave que la seva mort , per un mal entés, que varen decidir que un día habién de grabar junts. així ho han fet , i han triat les cançons de Big Bill Brooonzy per fer.ho a l´album l´hi han possat pert nom COMMON GROUND i podeu veure la info del mateíx a : COMMON GROUND  , justament  l´album está nominat per als premis GRAMMY a ,millor disc d´aquest any ! , Os deixem amb un concert complert de DAVE & PHIL ALVIN 


Philip Joseph "Phil" Alvin (born March 6, 1953) is an American singer and guitarist. He is known primarily as the frontman of the roots rock band The Blasters.

Alvin grew up in Downey, California in a music-loving family where he and his younger brother Dave Alvin were exposed to blues, rockabilly, and country. Inspired and influenced by the music they grew up with, Phil and Dave formed the rock and roll band The Blasters in the late 1970s with fellow Downey residents Bill Bateman and John Bazz. The group released four studio albums between 1980 and 1985. While never achieving mass market success on the music charts, the group's recordings and concerts drew critical acclaim and a cult following across the United States and Europe.

In 1986, after The Blasters had disbanded, Alvin released a solo album, Un "Sung" Stories. He then returned to graduate school at California State University, Long Beach, where eventually earned a master's degree in mathematics and artificial intelligence. Incidentally, before launching his music career, Alvin had taught mathematics at the same university.

When The Blasters reconvened in the late 1980s without Dave Alvin, who was pursuing a solo career and other projects, Phil resumed his role as the band's lead vocalist, rhythm guitarist, and harmonica player. In 1994, he released a second solo album, County Fair 2000. In 2005, under Alvin's leadership, a revised configuration of The Blasters released 4-11-44, the first studio album from the group since 1985. The band followed that effort in 2012 with the studio album, Fun On Saturday Night.

In 2014, Phil and Dave Alvin released the album Common Ground, a selection of Big Bill Broonzy covers, as a duo. It was the first studio collaboration by the Alvin brothers since the mid 1980s.


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