Al polifacétic Bob BALDORI, piano , harmónica, etc. li agrada sempre tocar acompanyat per algún o altre pianista , BOB SEELEY es un d´ells, també com podeu veure en el video següent acostuma a tocar amb ARTHUR MIGLIAZZA. Al 1964 va fundar la banda The Woolies aconseguint un hit l ' any 1966 amb un cover del gran  BO DIDDLEY , Who Do You Love es el títol del tema .que podeu veure mes avall. BOOGIE BOB com també se' l conéix s´ha mogut sempre dins l´escena del Rock , combinant-ho amb el Blues i el Boogie. Darrerament sembla que hi triat el Boogie com opció válida sobre tot actuant amb duets com abans hem dit. 

Bob Baldori (born 1943), also known as "Boogie Bob", is an American rock, blues, and boogie musician and attorney.
Baldori founded the rock band The Woolies in 1964; the group had a national hit in 1966 with Bo Diddley's "Who Do You Love?". He has also pursued a solo career, performing in venues all over the country, and recording a 1994 solo album. He started working with Chuck Berry in 1966 at Lake Lansing, Michigan and subsequently recorded two albums with Berry. He has also worked with and performed with Muddy Waters, John Lee Hooker, Tom Rush, Luther Allison, Del Shannon, John Hammond, Hubert Sumlin and Bo Diddley; most recently, he has toured and recorded with Bob Seeley.
In addition to recording and performing his own material, Baldori operates his own recording studio, and has produced and engineered over 200 albums. He wrote and starred in the rock musical Almost Famous, with productions in Chicago, Toronto and in Michigan.
As an entertainment law attorney, Baldori represents many performers including Hubert Sumlin and Chuck Berry.
He lives in Okemos, Michigan with his family




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