Brunswick Boogie Woogie Piano (BRUNSWICK 9-7020) (1950)


BRUNSWICK RECORDS., una empresa discográfica que va començar fabricant aparells reproductors , fonografs mes concretament i que va demostrar sempre un gran interés per la música que es feia a principis de segle als EE.UU., com a empresa van començar les activitats al 1916., dedicats com diem a la fabricació i comercialització de fonografs mes tard va començar a grabar discos als artistes populars de la época . Us mostrem un video/audio amb un recull de les peçes de piano grabades en diferents anys, de Boogie.Woogie mes concretament on figuren alguns dels mes destacats. 
Transcribim el que diu el la escritora EILEEN SOUTHERN en el seu llibre HISTORIA DE LA MÚSICA  NEGRA NORTEAMERICANA en un parágraf dedicat al Boogie Woogie , diu així : 

Los pianistas de boogie-woogie tuvieron gran predicamento en los actos sociales , sobre todo en las fiestas de alquiler ( fiestas organizadas en pisos de alquiler ) que se celebraban en circulos urbanos negros ; en éstas asumían las funciones de un conjunto de músicos de danza , tanto en términos de volumen como de densidad musical.Preferían un pìano desafinado para conseguir los efectos que buscaban . Por lo general usaban algún viejo modelo de pared , del que retiraban la tapa frontal y ponían papeles de periódico en los martillos y trozos de chapa en los fieltros . Entonces el pianista se ponía manos a la obra y comenzaba el baile , a menudo durante toda la noche . La mano izquierda tocaba un diseño de ostinato que reproducía los cambios armónicos del Blues y se movía en corcheas , ocho por compás, a menudo con ritmos de puntuillo y destacando quintas y octavas abiertas en los modelos de arpegios.La mano derecha tocaba una melodía muy adornada que discurría en ritmos cruzados contra la mano izquierda y se hacía reconocible por sus trémolos . Para obtener el efecto de las importantes " notas torcidas " el pianista producía intervalos armónicos ásperos y disonantes , como segundas menores o séptimas mayores.Los ritmos torrenciales de la música se explicaban por los bajos " andantes " ó " rodantes " , como se les llamaba, y el sonido solía ser bastante intenso . Se tocaba con la mayor intensidad posible con el fin de convocar a clientes al apartamento donde se celebraba la fiesta. 


Video By randomandrare

I do not own the copyrights to any of these recordings. This video is for historical and educational purposes only. 

About the recordings:When the recordings reissued in this box set were made, at the time they had existed for 20 or more years. As of this writing in 2015, they are now 80 or more years old. Since magnetic tape was a new medium in 1950, it is not known whether the 78 RPM metal mothers were used in transferring the recordings or maybe even 78 RPM records that were still in excellent condition, or both. The 45 RPM records that I used here are in very nice condition and I have made an effort to remove much of the surface noise that comes with those, but 100% cannot be removed. Still with the imperfections, I hope that fans of boogie-woogie & blues piano will enjoy what's here. Thank you, Mike Gann (randomandrare) 

"Detroit Rocks" & "Indiana Avenue Stomp" (Both composed by Arthur "Montana" Taylor) Recorded in Chicago, IL. Tuesday, April 23, 1929.
Arthur "Montana" Taylor:Piano Originally issued on the 1929 single (Vocalion 1419) (78 RPM) Reissued on the 1943 single (Brunswick 80019) (78 RPM)

"The Dirty Dozen No. 1" & "Wilkins Street Stomp" (Both composed by Rufus Perryman) Recorded at the Peabody Hotel, Memphis, TN. Sunday, September 22, 1929 Speckled Red (Rufus Perryman):Vocals & Piano. Originally issued on the 1929 single (Brunswick 7116) (78 RPM) "The Dirty Dozen No. 1" reissued on the 1943 single (Brunswick 80020) (78 RPM). "Wilkins Street Stomp" reissued on the 1943 single (Brunswick 80021) (78 RPM)

"Head Rag Hop" (Composed by Romeo Nelson) Recorded in Chicago, IL. Thursday, September 5, 1929 Iromeio "Romeo" Nelson:Piano/Hudson Whittaker (Tampa Red):Comments/Frankie "Half Pint" Jaxon:"Female" interjections. Originally issued on the 1929 single (Vocalion 1447) (78 RPM) Reissued on the 1943 single (Brunswick 80021) (78 RPM)

"The Dirty Dozen No. 2" (Composed by Rufus Perryman) Recorded in Chicago, IL. Tuesday, April 8, 1930. Rufus Perryman (Speckled Red):Vocals & Piano. Originally issued on the 1930 single (Brunswick 7151) (78 RPM) Reissued on the 1943 single (Brunswick 80021) (78 RPM)

"Cow Cow Blues" & "State Street Jive" (Both composed by Charles Davenport). Recorded in Chicago, IL. Monday, July 16, 1928. Charles "Cow Cow" Davenport:Piano. Ivy Smith:Comments on "State Street Jive". Originally issued on the 1943 single (Brunswick 80022) (78 RPM) Note #1:Both of these titles are Take B. Take A of both of these titles issued on the 1928 single (Vocalion 1198) (78 RPM)

Note #2:"Brunswick Boogie Woogie Piano" originally issued on the 1943 album set (Brunswick B-1005) (78 RPM) This set includes the above singles (Brunswick 80019-80022)

These recordings taken from the 1950 album set of the same title (45 RPM)

Note #3:Also issued on the 1950 album of the same title (Brunswick BL-58018) (LP, 10")
"Indiana Avenue Stomp", de: Montana Taylor (Google Play • eMusic • iTunes)


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