Como ya sabéis todos los aficionados al BLUES ,  LA BIBLIOTECA TECLA SALA de 
L´Hospitalet de llobregat ( Bcn ) ofrece con estrecha colaboración de la SOCIETAT DE BLUES DE BARCELONA, un amplio archivo de libros y Cds. para consulta de todo áquel que le pueda interesar. Os ofrecemos la información que la EUROPEAN BLUES UNION publica sobre la misma, que hace muy poco se ha visto incrementada con una series de Cd's de músicos de diferentes Países ,aportados por la insigne BIG MAMA MONTSE recopilados en sus viajes a lo largo y ancho de los Festivales de BLUES que se celebran allende nuestras fronteras., Aquí tenéis una breve información, aunque claro está lo ideal será que os presentéis un buen día, o dos , o tres los que hagan falta y disfrutéis de cuanto se os ofrece con verdadero deleite.  


In 2006 the Societat de Blues de Barcelona (Barcelona Blues Society) and the Central Tecla Sala Library of Hospitalet de Llobregat created the Blues Archive (Fons de Blues), the only one specialising in blues documentation in Spain. This archive has grown since December 2012 when the European Blues Union asked the Library to house, preserve and make available to users all possible information about blues in Europe. The Fons de Blues has a contents' exchange arrangement with the Bok & Blueshuset of Notodden in Norway which also has a library specialising in the blues. Notodden's and L'Hospitalet's are the only ones in Europe with these characteristics, raising their cultural value to international level.

To help us and send documents (CDs, magazines, DVDs, books, etc.) about Blues in Europe, please contact with:

Fondo de Blues / European Blues Union Archives
Mr. Miquel Abella
Av. de Josep Tarradellas, 44.
08901 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat
Tel.: 00.34.932602484

Between September 19 and October 31, 2013 the first European Blues Expo was exhibited in the Tecla Sala Library - L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona). The exhibition showed the activities organized by the European Blues Union such as the European Blues Challenge and the Blues Market. Artists who gave their photographs for this purpose were Pertti Nurmi (Finland), Alain Hiot (France), Sylvie Bosc (France), Fred Delforge (France), Roser I. Valls (Spain), SKAttomaTTO (Italy) and Charlie Hussey (Ireland), and all the audiovisual material was provided by Bad Music Blues TV who recorded three editions of the European Blues Challenge and dedicated many special TV programs and radio shows to them. Tecla Sala Library has the logistical support of the Municipality of l'Hospitalet de Llobregat.


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