Marcus Løvdal at PRIMAVERA IN BLACK ' 15

 Este año la programación de la PRIMAVERA IN BLACK que se va a celebrar en los Jardines de CAN SUMARRO a partir del viérnes 24 de Abril , tiene un cartel de auténtico lujazo, uno de los lujos que componen el mismo es el guitarrista MARCUS LOVDAL, que pondrá a disposición de todo el público su talento junto con la BIG MAMA BLUES BAND ! para ir haciendo boca aquí teneis un video , en este caso de la propia banda de Marcus. Recordad que el músico noruego fué el ganador del NOTTODEN BLUES FESTIVAL 2013 


Marcus Løvdal Band won Notodden Blues Festival in 2013, despite heavy competition from bands from all over the country.

With tremendous enthusiasm and intensity in their playing, Marcus Løvdal Band shows great will to entertain their audience. Their songs has roots in several musical genres and an energetic expression that is well received in Blues Clubs and other venues.

Marcus Løvdal Band started just before christmas time 2012 at the music conservatory in Kristiansand. Taking in regard the victory in Union Bluescup at Notodden in August 2013, 2014 seems to be a year of a lot of touring, which the band is very much looking forward to!


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