L´Armonicista BIG HARP GEORGE está nominat per a optar al premi del BEST NEW ARTIST ALBUM :  CHROMATICISM en la 36ena edició dels BLUES MUSIC AWARDS 2015 . Podeu veurèn un tastet ........ 

Big Harp George/George Bisharat is a San Francisco Bay Area blues singer and harmonica player who features the chromatic harmonica. George is a professor of criminal procedure and practice, Islamic law, and anthropology of law at UC Hastings College of the Law, expert commentator on law and politics in the Middle East, and former San Francisco public defender.  His writings have appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and many other publications in the U.S. and abroad.

George counts George "Harmonica Smith," William Clarke, and Paul deLay as major influences on his chromatic playing. The chromatic (compared to the ten-hole diatonic more common to blues) has a distinctive voice, and lends Big Harp George's sound a jazzy, contemporary, and sophisticated feel.

George has performed around the world, and recorded as a session player on a variety of recordings, including several projects with renowned U.K. bluesman Otis Grand. Big Harp George's first recording as a feature artist is Chromaticism (2014), in which he is accompanied by Northern California blues standouts Little Charlie Baty, Kid Andersen, Rusty Zinn, Chris Burns, and others.

Describing his recent recording, George says:

"I play music that is immediately recognizable as blues - but is also fresh, different, and upbeat. Blues was born out of suffering but ultimately expresses the triumph of the human spirit over hardship. That's what I want audiences to hear in Chromaticism."

Big Harp George was selected as one of fifteen "rising stars" by Living Blues Magazine in the August 2014 harmonica issue.


"Big George Harp" is an enigmatic harp player ... Using the chromatic harmonica almost exclusively, I Brings the like sensibility to His horn playing. George, With His jazz-inflected chromatic attack, presents a vision of Contemporary Blues West Coast, with a sense of place, humor and a dose of jazz. I have the "big harp," the chromatic harmonica rarely explored in blues. Reminds us That the cloning of Little Walter is not the only way to sound good on harp. This is the 21st century West Coast Blues, and it swings like hell. It's a cool sound, shaped by contemporary record sounds great American musical heritage. 
Big Harp George - vocal,chromatic harmonica.
Rust Zinn - guitar 
Little Charlie Baty - guitar 
Chris Burns - keyboards
Michael Peloquin - sax 
Kid Anderson - bass 
Raja Kawar - drums 
Label: Mountain Records Blues 
Year of release: 2014 
Copyright: 2014 Big Harp George
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