COLIN " Barrelhouse " BANAGAN

 COLIN BANAGAN & C. B. BLUES BAND aparece en este compilatorio , con un tema es casi todo lo que sabemos acerca de este artista que procede de Inglaterra , habiendo producido allí varios discos con el título BLUES DE CHICAGO, volum 1 , 2, etc. lo que hemos pescado en la red suyo son estás muestras a las que añadimos una breve reseñita. Por no tener no tenemos ni imágenes que nos identifiquen al personaje, nos gusta su estilo y lamentamos la poca info de la que se dispone. Ni que decir tiene que cualquier aficionado de Inglaterra que lo conozca más a fondo nos pueda ilustrar con más detalles. Thanks ! 




Colin Banagan started playing the piano when he was 6 years old. In his long and varied career, Colin has played with many important names in the Jazz / Blues world, including George Melly, Chris Barber, Kenny Ball, Acker Bilk, Alex Welsh, Ken Colyer and Otterley Patterson (who taught him all the Boogie Woogie tunes)!

Colin has dueted with Memphis Slim, Little Brother Mongomery and Speckled Red. 

Through Chris Barber, he was introduced to Alexis Corner, who encouraged him to join his newly formed ‘Blues Incorporated’, with Cyril Davies, Charlie Watts and Dick Henckle Smith.

Colin has produced his own albums which are available to download from all download music stores. He currently lives in East Sussex, England – he is still playing and still loving it!


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