MR. SHINGLES * Next Events *

Hola Blueseros,

Esta semana Mr. Shingles ofrecemos un poco de todo. Mañana por la noche estamos en Harlem Jazz Club, el jueves llevaremos la jam de la Sala Monasterio, a partir de las 22.00h y el domingo hacemos una velada de blues a La Capella de Can Gambús, en Sabadell. See you there!!


Sacude los huesos y menea la rabadilla porque Mr. Shingles ya está aquí. Escuchar este nuevo grupo de Blues es como tomar un café bien fuerte; suave, oscuro y amargo, con el chute de energía suficiente para despertar el espíritu y ponerte a bailar. Mr. Shingles tiene aquel “Swing” a lo antiguo, cuya hora llega de nuevo.

Revive los blues con Mr. Shingles.

Mr. Shingles son:

Mr. Shingles: Voz, guitarra, armónica
Lucky Luskin: Bajo, voz
Tommy Chav: Batería, voz


Jangle yo' bones and shake yo' money maker 'cos Mr. Shingles has arrived. The new Chicago blues band that is like a strong cup of Jo; smooth, dark and bitter with just enough gumpshun to wake you from your slumber and get you up dancing. Mr. Shingles swings ol' time and his time has come 'round again.

It's been nigh on thirty years since Mr. Shingles dragged himself out of the swamps of the south and headed north. Upon arrival he found somethin' was missin' and came to the inevitable conclusion: “You gotta go deeper, darker and mo' southern than befo'”. And so, armed with his trusty axe, Red Ruth, he headed for Barcelona and hooked up with an old partner in crime, Lucky Luskin, bassist, a man obsessed with laying it down. For almost ten years Mr. Shingles chanted his voodoo in Lucky's ear “We gotta go deeper, darker and mo' southern than befo'”, but Lucky wasn't havin' none. Until one day Lucky couldn't take no mo' and made his move He got on the blower to a tried and trusted local drummer, Tommy Chav, his ace in the hole, the biggest fish in the pond. Tommy was gung-ho from the first and so a new Chicago blues trio was born.

There ain't no guitar heros in Mr. Shingles, there ain't no messin', no jivin', just business. We play it simple so you can sit back relax and let the music flow through you, and once you let it flow you'll begin to move. We take the classics of the 50's and 60's Chicago blues scene and present it to you once again; not repackaged, not reused, but just as it was back then. 

“It's deeper, darker and mo' southern than befo'”. Re-live the blues with Mr. Shingles.


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