Andrew Jr. Boy 'Jones se crió en Dallas, Texas,   a causa del temprano divorcio de sus padres estuvo al cuidado básicamente de su madre Gladys. Cantante en una  big band, Gladys se retiró para criar a  Andrew , y el líder de la banda, Adolphus Sneed, se quedó con la familia como una figura paterna. Andrew recibió su primera guitarra de su madre para su séptimo cumpleaños, que le volvió loco y andaba tocándola  todos los días. Después de notar el talento de Andrew, Sneed le compró su segunda guitarra.

Andrew ha acumulado más de 50 años de experiencia como guitarrista profesional. "Jr. Boy tocó en el que sería su primer grupo profesional, nada menos que The Thunderbirds, retrocediendo Freddie' The Texas Cannonball 'King  de los 16 años en los años 60, los años 70, y 80, "Jr. Boy 'recorrió el mundo con varias leyendas de la música, como Johnnie Taylor Tony Coleman, Cornell Dupree, Little Frankie Lee, Bobby Patterson, Russell Jackson, B. B. King, Katie Webster, y Charlie Musselwhite, por nombrar algunos.

En 1996, Andrew comenzó su carrera en solitario y también lanzó el primer álbum en el que se presentó como vocalista y guitarrista. Desde entonces ha publicado otros cinco discos en solitario, uno de los cuales con su propio sello, GalexC Registros  o Registros Big Idea. "Jr. Boy 'ha estado de gira durante largos períodos de tiempo  con su banda de blues en todo el país durante los últimos años, actuando en varios lugares dentro y alrededor de la zona de Dallas. Andrew y su banda también han actuado en grandes festivales y eventos internacionales.




Guitarist, songwriter, and singer Andrew "Jr. Boy" Jones began working professionally at age 16 with Freddie King's backing band, the Thunderbirds. He got his first guitar from his uncle, jazz musician Adolphus Sneed. Jones cites an eclectic array of influences: Freddie King, Cornell Dupree, and Larry Carlton. For many years, he's backed various Dallas-area vocalists on guitar, but in the mid-'90s, he came into his own as a vocalist with an album for JSP Records, I Need Time (1997), which showcases his crafty songwriting, great guitar playing, and powerful singing.
The Swamp Boogie Queen In 1967, Jones joined Dallas-area vocalist Bobby Patterson's outfit the Mustangs. Through most of the '70s, Jones backed various artists, including Patterson, Johnnie Taylor, and Charlie Robertson. In late 1987, he went to California and joined the Silent Partners with bassist Russell Jackson and drummer Tony Coleman, the latter of whom is best known for his work with B.B. King's orchestra. Jones recorded with Bay-area piano player and singer Katie Webster on her critically praised Alligator Records album, Swamp Boogie Queen.
Ace of HarpsJones met harmonica player Charlie Musselwhite at a Sonny Rhodes recording session, and Musselwhite persuaded him to stay in California and join his band. Jones played guitar on Musselwhite's three late-'80s/early-'90s albums for Alligator Records (Ace of Harps, In My Time, and Signature). He also had the chance to do some extensive world touring with the harmonica master.
Watch What You SayJones left Musselwhite's band amicably in the mid-'90s and moved back to Dallas, where he accompanied Dallas-area blues singers like R.L. Griffin, Hal Harris & the Lowlifers, and others. He issued Watch What You Say in 1998.


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