Kennesaw’s Gabor Szucs, better known in local clubs as guitarslinger Little G. Weevil, traveled an unlikely road from Eastern Europe to being named the best solo/duo blues act in the U.S. this month.

Growing up in Budapest Szucs had the same musical tastes as the average kid, until touched by an American legend.

Little G. Weevil, Atlanta bluesman, wins Memphis competition photo
HANDOUT, not for resale
Little G Weevil of Kennesaw, born Gabor Szucs, won as best solo /duo act at the 29th International Blues Challenge in Memphis earlier this month.
“When I was a teenager I mostly listened to heavy metal rock, Metallica and Slayer and stuff,” said Szucs, now an American citizen.

“I was 16 years old, and my brother, who’s a good bass player, one day he showed up with a John Lee Hooker album, and that was a life-changing experience.”

So the young man started writing and performing the blues, but something was missing. “It’s very different when you study something from books and tapes,” said Szucs. “You guys grew up in this. It’s easy for you… That’s why I moved here. I wanted to breathe the blues in. I know it sounds very cheesy, but that’s what I felt.”

So in 2004 Szucs moved from Hungary to Memphis, where he was a dish-washer in a blues club. With hands immersed in suds, his soul soaked up the greasy, funky vernacular music of the American South.

Szucs married an Atlanta girl, moved here, started a family and pursued his career as a performer. He returned to Memphis last week for the International Blues Challenge, to compete against blues musicians from around the country and world, and won in the solo/duo category, playing guitar and singing a combination of originals and traditionals.

What he proved in Memphis was that the blues is a universal feeling, from Eastern Europe to East Cobb. To those who question his bona fides, “I smile and I do my thing,” he says. “Most of the time I win them over, and everybody’s happy.”



Little G Weevil & the Juke Joint Trio - Apple Picker

Little G Weevil gitár/ének,guitar/vocal,
Pengő Csaba basszusgitár/bass,
Adamecz József dob/drums,



Winner of the 2013 International Blues Challenge for solo/duo, Little G Weevil obviously impressed Richard Rosenblatt of VizzTone, not simply winning but also the fact that he bested the duo of Erin Harpe and Rosenblatt on his way to winning. The result is his VizzTone debut, Moving. Weevil is an impressive, traditionally rooted blues artist who was born overseas, but has immersed himself in playing the blues in Memphis and Atlanta. He impressed many with his prior recordings where he displayed his mastery of older blues traditions including marvelous originals that evoked early John Lee Hooker.

Little G. Weevil i Víctor Puertas

Dijous 7 d'abril a les 20h
Espai: Golferichs

Weevil i Puertas
Little G. Weevil és un músic d’Hongria guardonat amb el 1r premi de l’International Blues Challenge, en la categoria de millor guitarrista (Memphis, 2013) i nominat al Blues Blast Music Award (2014). Un cantant, compositor i guitarrista excepcional que estarà acompanyat per l’excel·lent harmonicista de casa nostra, Víctor Puertas, qui també coneix l’èxit als EUA, ja que va aconseguir amb el duet format amb el seu germà Pere Puertas, el segon lloc en el mateix concurs internacional.

Intèrprets: Little G. Weevil, guitarra i veu. Víctor Puertas, harmònica

Informacio addicional

Entrada gratuïta amb reserva prèvia. Capacitat limitada. Reserva d’entrades el mateix dia del concert a partir de les 10 h al telèfon 93 323 77 90 i al centre cívic. Les entrades no recollides 30 minuts abans de la funció perdran la reserva. No es permetrà l’accés a la sala un cop començada la funció.


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