Marco Marchi  & The Mojo Workers , es una banda de blues de raíces con un enfoque único básicamente acústico que nos muestra el BLUES de forma muy personal . Han participado en diferentes concursos como representantes de Suiza . Y han sido capaces de hacerse un hueco en la escena del blues de Europa, interpretando un repertorio de Blues de  los años 1920 a la década de 1950. De Ragtime al Piamonte Estilo, desde Delta Blues en Blues países y los primeros esbozos del Chicago Blues.


Alti Moschti, Mühlethurnen, Blues am Gründonnerstag. 24.03.2016
How Long Blues (by Leroy Carr and Scrapper Blackwell, 1928)


Marco Marchi - Electric, Acoustic and Resophonic Guitar, Vocals
Marco Simoncelli – Harmonica
Fabio Bianchi – Tuba, Electric Bass
Toby Stiftner – Drums, Washboard

Since their first concert in the autumn of 2009, the band has enjoyed growing success, both with the Swiss public and the music press. Today they are seen as holding great promise for the blues scene.
Their first CD, "Listening to my soul", was released in 2010 and immediately well received. This allowed the band an extensive concert career with appearances at major festivals such as the Piazza Blues in Bellinzona and the Blues Summit in Genf. 

In the autumn of 2011 the band won the Swiss Blues Challenge and, as a result, were then the first Swiss contestants at the International Blues Challenge in Memphis. Participating on the international stage has
significantly increased the attention the band is getting and confirmed that their unconventional approach is the right path for them.

In November 2012 their new CD, "My Old River", was released holding many of their own, exciting, compositions, together with guest performances by well-known American blues artists; including Andy J. Forest, Sean Carney und Rich Del Grosso.
As with the first CD, the reaction from the music-press and the public has been very positive. The band is continuing with an extensive schedule of concerts, including plenty of performances at both local and international festivals planned for 2013.

Numerous articles and reviews from reputable critics attest to the band's excellent quality:

Markus Wicker, journalist for SF DRS / Kulturplatz, views the band as one of the best acoustic blues band in Switzerland.

Martin Schäfer of SF DRS / Blues Special says of the latest CD "The result is definitely the best and most original ever heard in terms of Swiss blues." 

Ernesto de Pasquale, journalist and president of the Italian society "il popolo del Blues" says "Contemporary blues is currently getting louder and more intrusive; however, Marco Marchi & The Mojo Workers, consciously choose the road of class, elegance and care."

Will Bearden, KBA winner and jury member of the International Blues Challenge in Memphis says " Marco Marchi & The Mojo Workers bring a fresh breath to the blues scene. Their view of the blues is innovative, exciting and unique."




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