Resultat d'imatges de jerome pietri


Part bluesman, part one man band, from Mississippi, Corsica and the volcanoes of the Auvergne, via the National Dobro and the Fender Stratocaster – that’s Jérôme Pietri’s « little » Blues story.


Festival Blues d'Automne en Rabelaisie 2015 " Voici le Film concert du groupe trio " Jérôme PIETRI TRIO " avec à la guitare et Chant "Jérôme PIETRI " , à la basse Franck WHITE et à la batterie Thierry DOMAS , le samedi 10 octobre 2015 à la salle Polyvalente de Beaumont en Véron (37) Touraine . Jan KOVACIC86 Copyright .

You’ve probably guessed that the adjective chosen by the artist comes solely from the fact that

Jérôme is man of great humility and a generous heart. Qualities that flow to the very tips of his

fingers to distil the refinement of a whole art form. A music business myth is that the rocker

will always return sooner or later to his roots – the Blues. Urban legend or reality,

even Iggy Pop had his Blues period with The Prime Movers, although it would be

pretentious to gaze into a crystal ball to predict when the Pope of Rock will come back to plunge himself into the Blues.

That is the road that Jérôme Pietri has gone down: one foot in the Blues and the other in Rock, and never a regret. Since the age of 15, when he discovered the Rock and Blues universe of the Rolling Stones, the Animals, Pink Floyd and the Who, Jérôme has plied the continent back and forth, a guitar in his hands. It’s certainly his meeting with Mick Ronson (David Bowie’s guitar player) which pushed him towards Rock, for a few short years at least.
From SOS, his Rock group, via the Texas Blues of El Diablo, then Jean Louis Murat et Too Bad, the « Little Blues Story » started three years ago.
« Little » he tells us!

Neither irony nor sarcasm… just a man’s modesty as he shows us his story of the Blues.
« Far and wide » are the routes that Jérôme roams to share with us his admiration of the great names of the Blues and take us on this fabulous journey. A methodical man who, whilst setting the scene, bares his soul along with his technical prowess, to touch the hearts of his audience.
Slide, dobro, finger picking, Jérôme exploits all the codes and all the techniques to cry out the Blues and wield his instruments with brilliance. And despite his expert musical skills, there’s no lack of feeling! Rare indeed are those who can make you vibrate with the Blues like Jérôme Pietri does. « You are dynamite! » said Calvin Russell himself, after a particularly awe-inspiring show.

Jérôme Pietri has played with:

 Calvin Russell, of course, Robert Plant, Ten Years After, Blue Oyster Cult, Doctor Feelgood, Lucky Peterson, Nine Below Zero, Keziah Jones, to name but a few.

Resultat d'imatges de jerome pietri


Resultat d'imatges de jerome pietri


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