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Imatge relacionada

Imatge relacionada

Following is the obituary, of John Carroll Doyle, published in The Post and Courier, Charleston South Carolina, November 15, 2014 and written by John Doyle. Submitted by Jan Lenartowicz, friend of the artist.

John Carroll Doyle, 71, noted artist, photographer, and writer (including this obituary) ended his journey on this earth Wednesday, November 12, 2014. John was born and raised in Charleston, and was often heard to say that our city was perfect for an artist with its "golden light and long lavender shadows."

John started drawing at the age of four on the margins of Sunday church programs. This became a lifetime artistic, as well as spiritual quest, that took him through alcohol and drug addiction, being physically a  ...  Displaying 750 of 6994 characters.

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John Carroll Doyle

About  John Doyle
Born:  1942 - Charleston, South Carolina 
Died:   2014 - Charleston, South Carolina 
Known for:  still life, wildlife, landscape, renderings of Charleston, South Carrolina


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