Resultat d'imatges de oklahoma blues SOCIETY

So what the heck is the Oklahoma Blues Society?
The Oklahoma Blues Society is a nonprofit organization founded in 1989.  We are a certified affiliate of the Blues Foundation, which is headquartered in Memphis, TN. (www.Blues.org) Our Mission is to preserve the rich history of the Blues by acknowledging the influence of the Blues on all forms of modern music and supporting Blues as an art form for future generations.

OK, so how exactly do you do that?
We support Blues by supporting the musicians who play it!  We hold several public events throughout the year, as well as maintain a live music calendar to help inform the public of what’s happening in OKC.

What kind of events?
Our 2nd Sunday Jam is held every month, and is free to members.  It is currently hosted by Steve Coleman and the OBS All Stars, at Friends Bar 3705 West Memorial Rd in the Chase Shopping Center, every second Sunday of every month beginning at 5pm.  Doors Open at 4pm. We also participate in the International Blues Challenge. We also provide Oklahoma City with the best International, National and Regional talent by presenting touring artist here at local venues. 

What is the International Blues Challenge?
The international Blues Challenge is a giant battle of the bands.  Blues Foundation Affiliates such as ours from around the world are eligible to have a local competition in their area.  The winning band of each affiliate organization then has the opportunity to represent their club at the ‘big show’ in Memphis each spring.

What else do you do?
We’ve partnered with other organizations such as The Mental Health Association of Central Oklahoma and Stand Up to Cancer, for benefit and awareness events.  We also regularly hold drives for food, toys, and school supplies that are then donated to needy organizations like the Regional Food Bank, Toys For Tots, Infant Parent Intervention Center, and OKC area public schools.

How can I get involved?
Your membership helps us support our initiatives. We have a regular monthly Board meeting the 1st Monday of each month at Belle Isle Brewery Penn and NW Expressway. You are welcome to attend and see how you can help. Let us know you are coming by email obs@okblues.org   

Membership benefits include regular updates on events by email newsletter, discounts on merchandise. Entry to the monthly jam and IBC competition as well as occasional raffles and special price packages. Tickets to Society Series events. If you’d like to know more, or have an idea or service to donate, just give us a shout!  We’re online at www.OKBlues.org and www.facebook.com/okblues Our membership makes OBS what we are.  Join us today!

© okblues

The Oklahoma Historical Society presents a celebration of the blues with performances by Miss Blues and Dr. Harold Aldridge.

Filmed August 29, 2013, at the Oklahoma History Center.


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