European Blues Harp Attack At Centre Cultural Collblanc La Torrasa

     Ayer se celebró en el Centre Cultural COLLBLANC- LA TORRASSA, dentro del CICLO DE BLUES & BOOGIE en su 12th Edición el European Blues Harp , os dejamos con una fotos extraídas del video que os ofrecemos a continuación .


This is a video about the European Blues Harp Attack (with Little Roger C Wade (hac), Thomas Tousaint (hca), Victor Puertas (hca, piano & guit), Balta Bordoy (guit), Oriol Fontanals (double bass & bass) and Jake Klambourg (drums) at the Cicle of Blues & Boogie of Barcelona Blues Society, with the support of L'Hospitalet de Llobregat's Municipality, Centre Cultural Collblanc-La Torrassa, Bad Music and all the membrers of our association. Thanks a lot to all the assistants, the musicians and the supporters for their complicity! And many thanks to the new member Frank Barnes for producing this video!

    3 de Noviembre de 2017 


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