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Camden, Mississippi native Belton Sutherland never recorded any records, but he was filmed performing a handful of remarkable country blues songs by John Bishop, Worth Long and Alan Lomax. 

Belton Sutherland was born on February 14, 1911—the same year as the King of the Delta Blues Singers, Robert Johnson. His parents, William and Mattie Sutherland, already had eight children, and they would have four more after Belton, making a total of thirteen. The Sutherland family worked as sharecroppers in the small hamlet of Camden, Mississippi, not too far from St. John Missionary Baptist (MB) Church. A minister, farmer, and member of their extended family, Reverend Cage Sutherland, had been born in the wake of the Civil War, and he managed to procure most of the land on which was Camden.


Belton Sutherland nació el 14 de febrero de 1911, el mismo año que el Rey de los Delta Blues Singers, Robert Johnson. Sus padres, William y Mattie Sutherland, ya tenían ocho hijos, y tendrían cuatro más después de Belton, sumando un total de trece. La familia Sutherland trabajó como aparceros en la pequeña aldea de Camden, Mississippi, no muy lejos de la Iglesia Bautista Misionera de San Juan (MB).


Belton Sutherland (vocal and guitar) performs an improvised blues on Clyde Maxwell's porch. Shot by Alan Lomax, John Bishop, and Worth Long at Maxwell's farm near Canton, Mississippi, September 3, 1978. For more information about the American Patchwork filmwork, Alan Lomax, and his collections, visit [02.19.21]

Alan Lomax Archive 


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