foto de AlabamaBluesMan   " BrothaRic ".



foto de AlabamaBluesMan   " BrothaRic ".


  Ricky L. “Brotha Ric” Patton, Sr. was born in Huntsville, AL but was raised up in Triana, AL.  He is the grandson of blues and whiskey man, Paper Thomas Patton.  Playing the blues was not his idea, he wanted to play football.  Playing the guitar was his mother idea, she didn’t want him getting hurt and saw it as a way of not having to transport him to and from football practice.

She did not know when she purchased him a guitar that she was laying the foundation for one of the jewels of North Alabama blues music (particularly Huntsville).

As a youngster Ric grew up around his Uncle Johnnie Rice.  Johnnie was a hobo, a ex-con and a harmonica player who loved drinking bootleg whiskey.  Johnnie would often stick his soaked in whiskey harmonica in Ric’s mouth causing it to burn and Ric would find himself blowing and drawing (aka blowing and sucking) on the harmonica.  This was the beginning of Ric’s life as a guitar and harmonica player.

In an interview Ric says, “Playing the blues is nothing I found, it found me. I’ve been doing so long, I just do it.  When I play and sing it is like painting pictures with people in it.  I have fun and amuse myself with the pain and sound;  I think it is what folks enjoy about my blues, I play in a colorful way.  Every summer I go down South to the Mississippi Delta and play.  But it doesn’t take the place of that Alabama Front Porch style blues”.

On September 28, 2015 Ric joined Periscope (live stream application), creating his own fan club called the “Blues VIPs” = Very Involved in Promotion, in hopes of building a blues community.  He live stream nightly from his 1979 Chevrolet Van which he refers to it as the “Blues Room” and on Busker another live stream platform he refers to it as the “Blues Lounge”.  He lives stream nightly and his fans join him while chatting with him and each other.  He has since made his own recordings highlighting the broadcast and his followers.  He currently has over 7,000 followers.  While streaming Ric welcomes them in; he also talks about today’s happenings.  He also sings, plays his guitar and harmonica and his foot tambourine to all types of songs but particularly, blues.  He also has a portion of his “scope” where he sings to his followers comments.  Each night the followers tap hearts or commenting to show how much they enjoy Ric’s broadcast; he also gives recognition to followers who tap a 1,000 hearts or more and those who give him a super heart (these are hearts his followers purchases).  In July 2017 Ric began raffling his merchandise or blues artifacts he’s collected by giving followers a raffle ticket.  To get a raffle ticket; The followers must be the first in the room, give a super heart, or go to his website and leave a review or become a patron; there are times he does a live conference call on his cryline and those who join him get a raffle ticket.  During his broadcast Ric will often promote other artist, festivals and events when informed.

Ric also has a trio band called the “Chickenbone Reunion Band, the band members are Ric, (vocals, guitar, harmonica), Mac Barnes (bass), Kenneth Epps (drums).  Ric mostly play solo and bring along kazoos, a shaker, washboard, hula hoops and ask for help with these instruments from his crowd. “What I do is plain Southern Style Funky Blues” says Ric.

For bookings please contact:

Ric Patton

1646 Swancott Rd.

Madison, AL  35756

(256) 279-5279 or (256) Cry-5Cry




Ricky L. "Brotha Ric" Patton, va néixer a Huntsville, AL, però va créixer  a Triana, . És el nét del blues i l'home del whisky, Paper Thomas Patton. Tocar blues no era pas la seva idea de vida la seva idea, volia jugar al futbol. Tocar  la guitarra era el que tenía pensat la seva mare, no volia que es fes mal  jugant al futbol i la veia com una forma de no haver d ´acompanyarlo d´un lloc a l´altre per tal de anar jugant partits 

Ella no es podía imaginarquan li van comprar una guitarra que tot alló  estava sent la base d'una de les joies de la música blues de North Alabama (particularment a Huntsville).

 A mida que va créixer  ho anaba fent al voltant del seu oncle Johnnie Rice. Johnnie era un hobo,  ( captaire )  i sempre había tocat la harmònica que estimava , li agradaba beure whisky de garrafa  Johnnie sovint s'enganxava a la seva harmònica i la impregnaba de gust de whisky per posarli a la boca de Ric i li feia tocar i Ric es trobava bufant (també cridant i xuclant) a l'harmónica. Aquest va ser el començament de la vida de Ric com a guitarrista i harmonicista ............  
El 28 de setembre de 2015 Ric es va unir a Periscope (aplicació en viu), creant el seu propi club de fans anomenat "Blues VIPs"  Molt involucrat en la promoció, i amb l'esperança de construir una comunitat de blues.  Mentres ell dormía  cada nit del seu Chevrolet Van de 1979, que es referia a ell com a "Sala de Blues" i en Busker, una altra plataforma en viu que ell mateix es referia al "Blues Lounge". Cada nit i els seus seguidors s'uneixen amb ell mentre conversen  entre ells. Des d'aleshores ha realitzat les seves pròpies gravacions . Actualment compta amb més de 7.000 seguidors. Mentre que en streaming Ric els acull; també parla dels esdeveniments del día  També canta, toca la seva guitarra i harmònica i la seva  pandereta de peu a tot tipus de cançons, però sobretot, blues. Cada nit, els seguidors toquen amb ell i li fan els  cors o comenten per mostrar quant gaudeixen de les performances .  Al juliol de 2017, Ric va començar a refugiar-se de les seves mercaderies o artefactes de blues que va recollir  que després rifaba entre els seus seguidors .
Ric també té una banda de trio anomenada "Chickenbone Reunion Band", els membres de la banda són Ric, (veu, guitarra, harmònica), Mac Barnes (baix), Kenneth Epps (bateria). Ric toca  principalment en solitari i sempre porta  els kazoos, un coctelera, el panell de la safata, i diferents estris que troba on sigui  "El que faig és el senzill Southern Style Funky Blues", diu Ric.

Resultat d'imatges de BRO RIC PATTON 2018


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