Scott Law es un cantante y compositor estadounidense, productor de discos y multi-instrumentista conocido por su trabajo con la guitarra y la mandolina . Con base en Portland, Oregón , ha sido músico profesional desde 1992, tocando en géneros como rock , blues , bluegrass y americana con grupos como The String Cheese Incident . Después de actuar con numerosas bandas, Law lanzó su primer álbum solista como cantante y compositor, Deliver with the Scott Law Band, en 2005.  A esto le siguieron varios otros álbumes, incluido el álbum acústico Black Mountain en 2013. .

A su paso por L´ONCLE JACK , Law ha dejado bien clara su maestría con la guitarra en diferentes temas en los que ha predominado el Bluegrass , excelentemente  bien acompañado por Lluís Gómez al Banjo , Maribel Rivero al contrabajo y Carol Duran al violín ha ofrecido , al personal que llenaba el coquetón local del carrer Roselles  de L´Hospitalet de Llobregat ( Barcelona) toda una lección del estilo que tan bien domina. 
Os ofrecemos unas fotillas y unos videos de lo acontecido sin más ambición que la de mostrar unas imágenes para todos aquellos que no han podido asistir al evento. 

Multifaceted artist Scott Law is an accomplished guitar master, singer-songwriter and recording artist operating at the very highest level of his craft. Hailed as an “esteemed flatpicker” by Acoustic Guitar, Law is equally reverent and inventive on steel strings whether in a lead or supporting role.

Law’s versatility on the guitar ranges from the flatpicking school of Doc Watson, to the hardcore country pickings of Clarence White, Albert Lee and Don Rich, to the electric blues of Mike Bloomfield, while also giving a feel and fluidity reminiscent of Jerry Garcia.

A not-so-secret weapon sought after for his distinctive ability to elevate the potency of any collaboration, Law is a fearless improviser. His original songs and story-like solos come straight from the heart of rock, rhythm & blues, country and bluegrass, granting him the creative latitude to constantly push the envelope and deliver an unforgettable experience.

Law has performed with an array of bluegrass, American roots, rock and jam band luminaries including Phil Lesh & Friends, longtime musical accomplices The String Cheese Incident, Darol Anger, Tim & Nicki Bluhm, Tony Furtado, The Mother Hips, Crooked Still, Peter Rowan, The Travelin' McCourys, Leftover Salmon, Danny Barnes, Railroad Earth, Jerry Joseph, Melvin Seals, Brokedown in Bakersfield and many others.

Law is also a dedicated and experienced music educator, teaching at various workshops, schools, camps, festivals and private sessions each year. When off the road, he lives in Portland, Oregon.
