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       Apadrinat pel  llegendari T-Bone Walker , el bluesman Roy Gaines va néixer a Houston el 1934; fill  d'una família musical: el seu  germà, Grady, va  tocar el saxo a la famosa banda d'acompanyament de Little Richard, Upsetters : inicialment va tocar el piano amb una clara influencia de  Nat King Cole , però mès tard vá deixar el piano per  la guitarra . Un gran admirador de l'obra de T.Bone Walker , als 14  anys Gaines , va aconseguir tocar amb el  amb el seu heroi en un espectacle local, i fins i tot va ser convidat a tornar  a l' escenari; anomenat "T-Bone Jr." mès tard tocaría  regularment a clubs a la zona de Houston abans de traslladar-se a Los Angeles dos després . Allà, Gaines va per unir-se a la banda de Roy Milton , seguit d'un  interval en suport de Chuck Willis ; puntualment ell i T. Bone  van unir forces en els darrers de la vida del veterá guitarrista  fins prácticament la seva  mort que es va produïr al de 1975.  Gaines va registrar amb poca freqüència com a headliner, finalment va llançar un LP, Gaineling , en 1982; altres àlbums inclouen Lucille Work for Me , 1999, I Got the T-Bone Walker Blues i New Frontier Lover de 1999.


Resultat d'imatges de roy gaines

Roy James Gaines (born August 12, 1934 or 1937) is an American Texas blues and electric blues guitarist, singer and songwriter. He wrote and recorded the song "A Hell of a Night", which was first issued on his 1982 album Gainelining.

He is the younger brother of the blues musician Grady Gaines.

Gaines was born in Waskom, Texas, and relocated with his family to Houston when he was six years old. Originally a piano devotee, Gaines moved to playing the guitar in his adolescence.In his teens he was acquainted with another budding guitarist, Johnny Copeland. By the age of 14 he had performed onstage backing his hero, T-Bone Walker, and played in Houston nightclubs. He later moved to Los Angeles, California. In 1955, Gaines played as a backing musician on recordings by Bobby Bland, Junior Parker and Big Mama Thornton. He later backed Roy Milton and then Chuck Willis, and he worked again with Walker

He released two low-key albums in 1956 and a couple more in the 1960s for small record companies.In 1966, Gaines became part of Ray Charles's backing band. He was also a backing musician in sessions with the Everly Brothers, the Supremes, Bobby Darin, Stevie Wonder, and Gladys Knight.
He worked primarily as a sideman, but he released a solo album, Gainelining, in 1982. He also had a small part in the 1985 film The Color Purple.[6] Another album, New Frontier Lover, was released in 2000. It was followed by Tuxedo Blues, featuring a big band billed as Roy Gaines & His Orchestra, released in 2009. The album includes the song "Miss Celie's Blues (Sister)," which Gaines had performed in The Color Purple. Also included is a cover of Michael Jackson's "Rock with You."

Gaines co-wrote the song "No Use Crying", which was recorded by George Jones and Ray Charles.


Data de publicació: 6 de des. 2016
01. Okie Dokie Stomp (5:11)
02. You Don't Understand (6:50)
03. Drinkin' Fool (4:42)
04. Take the "A" Train (8:26)
05. I'm Your Thing Shaker (5:07)
06. Gainesville (6:22)
07. Tokyo Woman (6:16)
08. I Want a Little Girl (5:06)
09. Sno-Cone (Tribute to Albert Collins) (4:46)
10. Cream and Sugar (6:14)
11. Moonlight in Vermont (Guitar Duet) (9:17)
12. Take the "A" Train (6:29)
13. Tokyo Woman (4:16)

Roy Gaines - vocals, guitar
Mitsuyoshi Azuma - vocals, guitar
Hikaru Sugawa - electric piano, organ

Resultat d'imatges de roy gaines


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