Resultado de imagen de BIG ED SULLIVAN


Big ED Sullivan comes from Brooklyn, New York. He grew not far from the Gowanus canal, but god knows he never fished there! But, he spent hours and hours shaprening his talents on guita and harmonica while watching his friends falling like flies, victims of drugs and gang wars.

"Yes," says ED, "Music for me was an escape, but at the same time, it was really what saved me from the street and from a choice that could have ruined my life." It was this escape, like the influence of some of the great names of the blues and rockabilly -- such as Slim Harpo, Albert Collins, Danny Gatton and Link Wray -- which inspired Ed's style. All these musicians hold a special place in Ed's list of musical gods.

No one plays the guitar like Ed. He has a way of transforming a melody of traditional blues or rockabilly by adding all his personality to it. His slide guitar playing is perfectly wild.

Big Ed is one of the pillars of the musical scene in New York. He was one of the of regular players at Manny's Car Wash, the former temple of the blues in New York. Ed also played at many festivals organized in the city and he was one of the founding members of Rebel Rockers, a rockabilily group featuring original Stray Cats member Gary Setzer.

Ed's new record, "Run the to border" (produced by Popa Chubby, as was his first record, Big) features guitars more sharp-edged than ever, and a return to the sources of the blues that will hit you like a cruise missle!

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