This drawing by Andy Reddekop features B.B. King.

This piece by Andy Reddekop is a portrait of Buddy Guy.

Andy Reddekop

Andy Reddekop
Andy Reddekop I have always loved to draw. I began drawing and painting as a child, took art courses in High School and University and during teacher-training and then took it up again after my retirement as a school principal. 
I am currently on the faculties of Vancouver Island University and the University of Victoria, working to supervise and to mentor student-teachers in the field. In this role, I am often in classrooms, both Primary and Secondary, with the opportunity to see how a range of students interact with artistic media.

My passion in art is to capture personality in portrait-work and to combine art with music wherever possible. Colored pencils allow me the flexibility to blend colors, mix media and provide the kind of detail I love in portrait work. I hope you enjoy my work!


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