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The Hill Frequencies is a Blues duo made up by HF Pat on drums and Hot Nasho as guitar player and singer.

The idea comes from the Hot Nasho´s  "one man band" project, who is sometimes accompanied by HF Pat on washboard, performing different american roots music styles such as Blues, Swing or Ragtime. With this work they are called "Hot Nasho and Hf Pat", but their shared interest for Hill Country Blues drove them to found "The Hill Frequencies", based on this Blues subgenre which could come from Fred Mcdowell´s  music  on guitar style and which was raised by musicians such as RL Burnside, Junior Kimbrough, Otha Turner, Jessie Mae Hemphil or Robert Belfour among many others.

Currently, musicians like Kenny Brown, Cedric Burnside or Luther Dickinson (NMAS), keep and make known a music genre with its own identity which was born in North Misssissippi

"The Hill Frequencies" es un duo de Blues formado por HF Pat a la batería y Hot Nasho como guitarra y voz.  

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La idea surge a raíz del proyecto de "one man band" de Hot Nasho, a quien en ocasiones acompaña HF Pat con el washboard y que interpretan varios estilos de la música de raíces americana como son el Blues, Swing o Ragtime. Con este repertorio se hacen llamar "Hot Nasho and HF Pat", pero sus intereses en común por el Hill Country Blues les conduce a formar "The Hill Frequencies" y que está basado en este subgénero del Blues que pudo tener su inicio en la guitarra con la interpretación del Blues de Fred McDowell y que tuvo su máxima representación con músicos como R.L Burnside, Junior Kimbrough, Otha Turner, Jessie Mae Hemphill o Robert Belfour entre muchos otros.

Actualmente artistas como Kenny Brown, Cedric Burnside o Luther Dickinson (NMAS), mantienen y dan a conocer un género musical  con identidad propia surgido en el norte del Misisipí.

More info about THE HILL FREQUENCIES in VAN DE BLUES. Thanks to Josep Palmada Verdier . 

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, beard and hat


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