Spencer Williams (Nova Orleans, Louisiana, 14 d'octubre de 1889 – Flushing, Nova York, 14 de juliol de 1965) fou un pianista, cantant i compositor estatunidenc de jazz i música popular.

Williams es reservava quan parlava de la primera etapa de la seva vida, tal vegada perquè va créixer amb vincles amb l'hampa en el districte de Storyville. Williams actuava a Chicago des del 1907, quan cap a l'any 1916 es traslladà a la ciutat de Nova York. Després d'arribar a Nova York, va co-escriure diverses cançons juntament amb n'Anton Lada de Louisiana Five. Entre aquestes cançons hi ha "Arkansas Blues", que es convertiria en una de les seves cançons més populars i que segueix sent enregistrada pels músics fins al dia d'avui.

Williams va recórrer Europa amb les bandes de 1925 a 1928; durant aquest temps va escriure per Josephine Baker en el Folies Bergères a París. Williams tornà a Nova York per un parell d'anys. El 1932, tornà a Europa per una bona estada, després d'uns molt bons anys a Londres el 1951 es traslladà a Estocolm, on hi passà la major part de la resta de la seva vida. Retornà a Nova York poc temps abans de morir, a Flushing, el 14 de juliol de 1965. El 1970 fou introduït com a compositor en el Saló de la Fama.

Va tenir èxit amb les cançons "Basin Street Blues", "She’ll Be Comin Around That Mountain", "I Ain'T Got Nobody", "Royal Garden Blues", "Mahogany Hall Stomp", "I Found A New Baby", "Everybody Loves My Baby", "Squeeze Me", " "Shimmy-ShaWobble", "Boodle Am Shake", "Tishomingo Blues", "I Ain't Gonna Give Nobody None of My Jelly Roll", "Careless Love", "Arkansas Blues", "Paradise Blues", "When LightsAre Low", "Dallas Blues", i "My Man o War".

BE CAREFUL ! ..... Segun la fuente cambia el año de su fallecimiento . 

Spencer Williams (October 14, 1889 – July 14, 1969) was an African-American jazz and popular music composer, pianist, and singer. He is best known for his hit songs "Basin Street Blues", "I Ain't Got Nobody", "Royal Garden Blues", "I've Found a New Baby", "Everybody Loves My Baby", "Tishomingo Blues", and many others.

Spencer Williams was born in New Orleans. He was educated at St. Charles University in New Orleans.

Williams was performing in Chicago by 1907, and moved to New York City about 1916. After arriving in New York, he co-wrote several songs with Anton Lada of the Louisiana Five. Among those songs was "Basin Street Blues", which became one of his most popular songs and is still recorded by musicians to this day.

Williams toured Europe with bands from 1925 to 1928; during this time he wrote for Josephine Baker at the Folies Bergère in Paris. Williams then returned to New York for a few years. In 1932, he moved to Europe for good, spending many years in London before moving to Stockholm in 1951, where he spent most of the rest of his life. Williams was married to Pat Castleton (a stage name of Agnes Bage). They had two daughters together called Della and Lindy. Williams returned to New York shortly before his death in Flushing, New York on July 14, 1965.

His hit songs include "Basin Street Blues", "She'll Be Comin Around That Mountain", "I Ain't Got Nobody", "Royal Garden Blues", "Mahogany Hall Stomp", "I've Found a New Baby", "Everybody Loves My Baby", "Shimmy-Sha-Wobble", "Boodle Am Shake", "Tishomingo Blues", "Fireworks", "I Ain't Gonna Give Nobody None of My Jelly Roll", "Arkansas Blues", "Paradise Blues", "When Lights Are Low","Dallas Blues", and "My Man o’ War".

Williams was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 1970.


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