DIXIE JUMBLE * New single *

Influenciados por el swing, jazz blues y la música popular americana, esta banda comenzó en el 2013.
Influenced by swing, jazz, blues and American popular music, this band begins in 2013.

#dixiejumble​ #ificantsellit​ #georgiawhite​

Marián Zorio: vocals, kazoo
Raul Rabadan T-Bonski: guitars, bass, percussion, vocals

Recorded in december, 2020 at UTBB Studios (#FocusriteScarlett​ Home Studio). Valencia, Spain 
Grabado en diciembre del 2020 en UTBB Studios, Valencia, España.

Produced by Raul Rabadan at UTBB Studios
Artwork by Dixie Jumble

Un tema grabado originalmente por Georgia White en 1936. Es una declaración feminista con carga sexual. La letra describe a una mujer que contempla vender una silla pero solo por el precio correcto, es difícil ignorar la insinuación sexual.
Algunas fuentes lo toman como una canción sobre la prostitución, pero hay serias dudas sobre ello. La cantante no dice que quiere vender sus productos más de una vez, solo que el comprador tiene que pagar el precio adecuado. Así que parece más bien una manifestación de la confianza en sí misma y el orgullo femenino.

On "I'll Keep Sittin' on It (If I Can't Sell It)" the singer comes up to expectations with some of the more risqué material that she had successfully delivered since "Get 'Em From the Peanut Man (Hot Nuts)". Written by Alex Hill and Andy Razaf, the lyrics describe a woman contemplating selling a chair but only for the right price, and it is hard to ignore the sexual innuendo.
Some sources take it for a song about prostitution, but this view seems too narrow for me. The singer does not say that she wants to sell her goods more than once, only that the potential buyer has to pay the appropriate price. So it looks much more like the manifestation of female self-confidence and pride than the willingness to prostitute herself. White presents her serious message in a most humorous way, accompanied by her highly competent trio, featuring Les Paul's acoustic guitar in the bridge. (Ruth Brown's version of some years later is much more explicit.)



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