The available information leads one to assume that Mississippi Bracy was in fact Caldwell Bracey.

Nos encontramos , sin duda en uno de estos dilemas que de vez en cuando nos plantea el propio mundo del Blues y de los bluesmen. Vamos a dar por bueno la denominación de MISSISSIPPI BRACY., para como a.k.a. de Caldwell Bracey. Nos permitimos dudar incluso de la fotografía . En algunos videos aparece como ilustración del bluesmen conocido como ISHMAN BRACEY ., del cual pòdéis ver info , en nuestro blog. Tenemos claro , o eso parece por las diferentes constataciones que se trata de dos personajes distintos es por ello que os ofrecemos esta información . Mississippi Bracy es Caldwell Bracey ,parece claro. e Ishman Bracey nada tiene que ver con él. 

Caldwell Bracey (his surname is sometimes spelled in listings as Bracy) was born in the Mississippi Delta region, possibly about 1903. All that has been established concerning his career is that he recorded four blues sides for OKeh Records at the King Edwards Hotel in Jackson, Mississippi, in December 1930, under the name Mississippi Bracey. The best known of these tracks are probably "I'll Overcome Someday" and "You Scolded Me and Drove Me from Your Door". At the same session he also recorded four hymns under the name Caldwell Bracey & Wife but listings indicate that these were never released by OKeh. It is not known if Caldwell Bracey was related to Ishman Bracey, another Jackson bluesman performing around the same time, and who went on to become an ordained minister.  

Info appears in : http://www.thebluestrail.com/artists/mus_cbrac.htm


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