Meet this young acclaimed band redefining the blues genre for a new generation...

Moonshine Society is the offspring of three promising young music scholars who came together at Boston’s renown Berklee College of Music. Of like minds and musical passions, they united in 2009 to create their own brand of soulful blues, roots rock and old-school R&B- if a fundamental definition is actually required. In truth, they teamed to craft their own formula of music that speaks to the soul and defies the labels of traditional musical confines.

The trio sealed their pact one moonlit night in the Anacostia Delta, where then and there, their name became written in the stars. They were to be Moonshine Society. Little did they know on that fateful night that they were buckled in on a launching pad set to rocket them at dizzying speed to performance destinations of their wildest dreams throughout the US and the world. In retrospect, though, it’s little wonder considering the band’s composition of killer talent, now four-plus strong.

Leading the troupe is impassioned, soulful singer and songwriter Jenny Langer, who has shared the stage with such musical greats as Warren Haynes, Derek Trucks and Jack Pearson of Allman Brothers fame, Susan Tedeschi of the Tedeschi Trucks Band, Gov't Mule and Jimmy Vivino from Late Night with Conan O’Brien. Part vamp and part glamour girl, she is all-commanding in her on-stage deliveries and becomes pure sorceress spellbinding audiences with her searing hot vocals. To quote from her sizzling seductive rendition of “Fever” -what a lovely way to burn.

Others agree.  In 2012, three members were inducted into the Blues Hall of Fame for their work with legendary harmonica player Charlie Sayles. They have opened for artists included Johnny Winter, George Clinton and Funkadelic, Tower of Power, Sister Sparrow, Junior Marvin & The Wailers, Lil Ed and the Blues Imperials, The Family Stone, Roomful of Blues, The Nighthawks, Mud Morganfield, WuTang Clan, Tab Benoit, Indigenous, Samantha Fish and more. Members have also performed and recorded with John Mayer, Warren Haynes, Susan Tedeschi, Derek Trucks, Danny Gatton, Brian Eno, Jason Ricci and more.

Locally in Washington, DC, the band and album have received Wammie awards for Best Blues Band and Best Blues Album and have repeatedly been named in Top Fan Favorite Lists in Washington, DC and Virginia.  See for yourself why this band is making waves in the international blues scene thrilling audiences at festivals with a fresh take on the classic American roots style. 


BBC Radio Wales Janice Long Show

“What a voice!”

Boston Herald

"The sound: Modern blues that grabs hold of your soul and rocks it."

Sky Magazine (Delta Airlines)

"A Don't Miss Show"- Shanghai, China

Blues in Britain

“Jenny Langer is one mighty blues shouter & sings the sweetest soul you will hear anywhere.”

The News Journal

"Saucy singer and her band serve up a soulful mix."

PBS 106.7 Melbourne Australia

"Dirty, greasy down home Blues at it's best...Jenny certainly could be the "Witch Queen Of New Orleans" with a voice like this..."

In A Blue Mood

"A fascinating mix of blues, blues-rock, and soul."

Reflections in Blue

"From the start of the album, Jenny demonstrates her remarkable vocal range; belting out tunes that would make even the likes of Koko Taylor, Etta James and Big Mama Thornton sit up and take notice."


"I'm...totally blown away right now...Put me on one of those music awards committees and I'm nominating "Come On Home" for song of the year..."


"...if you love Bonnie Raitt and Tedeschi Trucks Band, but also Little Walter's old school blues, you guessed it, you're in the right place!"

Midwest Record Review

"...No strangers to rubbing elbows with the crème of the crop, the mixture of chops and penumbra really kicks ass. With a leading lady that’s really leading the way, this crew knows how to make Koko Taylor and Willie Dixon smile down upon them."

​The Boston Globe

"[Jenny] may be young in age, but she's really an old soul...she is just as serious about exploring the roots and rituals of pinup culture, much as a young guitarist might mine old LPs for vintage Delta blues riffs... Fronting Moonshine Society, she draws inspiration from Janis Joplin and Koko Taylor . But she layers on plenty of cheesecake, too, creating a vibe at once sonic and sartorial...."


Q&A with DC-based Moonshine Society- fresh music school graduates to deliver soulful blues and old school R&B.

"Listening to the music of blues artists from today and the past has carried me and shown me that no one has a perfect life, men and women have felt what I’ve felt for decades, and that through our human experiences and hardest moments we are not alone."

Chasing The Blues Podcast

“This week I had the pleasure of speaking with Jenny Langer of Moonshine Society about blues legend Johnny Winter on Chasing The Blues Podcast. Listen to the episode on Spotify or your favorite #podcast app!”



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