Corría allá por el año 1968 cuando a sugerencia del crítico de Jazz Ralph Gleason B.B.KING apareció en el programa JAZZ CASUAL  que bajo el auspicio del propio crítico se venían registrando desde 1961 en la cadena de Tv se cita. Os ofrecemos el video correspondiente a la actuación de King, al tiempo que os sugerimos si os gusta el Jazz entréis en el link que os llevará a la relación completa de los conciertos ofrecidos , la mayoría interesantísimos para todos los aficionados. 

Jazz Casual was an occasional series on jazz music on National Educational Television (NET), the predecessor to the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS). The show was produced by Richard Moore and KQED of San Francisco, California.Episodes ran for 30 minutes. It ran from 1961 to 1968 and was hosted by jazz critic Ralph Gleason. The series had a pilot program in 1960. That episode, however, has been destroyed. 31 episodes were broadcast; 28 episodes survive.Most episodes included short interviews with the group leaders.

More info about Jazz CASUAL series : 

B.B. King - King of the Blues
B.B. King (Guitar)
Sonny Freeman (Drums)
Jim Toney (Organ)
Mose Thomas (Trumpet)
Lee Gatling (Saxophone)
"Whole Lotta Love"
"I've Got a Mind to Give Up Livin '"
"Think I'll Move to the Jungle"
"Darling, You Know I Love You"
"That's Wrong, Li'l Mama"
May 9, 1968


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