In 1977 Armin Sabol founded the band SHIVA with Mat Sinner. Together with various drummers, the young heavy rock trio tours mainly in southern Germany. Gigs in support ofWhitesnake, Colosseum II(featuringJon Hiseman,Gary MooreDon Airey) andNina Hagenquickly give the young band a fan base. However, an album was not released, SHIVA disbanded in 1981. Only after a temporary reunion on the occasion of a charity event the album Goddess SHIVA was released in 2007.

In 1981 Armin met the hitherto unknown singer Pierre Schilling. After some demos in Schilling's old Schlager style, Sabol proposes to go completely new ways musically and to pick up elements of New Wave and NDW. Already after the first demo in this style, Schillings Verlag Peer Music in Hamburg is completely excited and suggests to produce an album. Within a few months, all titles are together. After Peer Music does not find a suitable producer, they remember how good the demos sound and leave the production to the Schilling/Sabol team themselves. ThePeter Schillingalbum "Fehler im System" was released in autumn 1982. The first single "Major Tom" crashes into the charts at the beginning of 1983, climbs to #1 and stays there for 8 weeks. The follow-up singles "Die Wüste lebt", "Fehler im System", "Terra Titanic" and "Hitze der Nacht" charted as well as Schilling's second album "120 Grad". In 1984, the American record company Elektra became aware of the project. This will be followed by worldwide releases of the two albums in English. In America, "Major Tom (Coming Home)" reaches #14 on the Billboard charts, the Extenden version even goes to #1 in the dance charts there. The album "Error in the System" goes gold in Canada, the single "Major Tom" also goes gold in Germany as well as in Canada and Austria. After personal and musical differences, the collaboration ended in 1985.

From the mid-80s Armin Sabol produced bands likeRage, SinnerandPyracanda. He also worked as a journalist (including cover stories for specialist journal Musik Magazin with guitaristsEdward Van HalenorSlash) and author ("Fit fürs Musikbusiness").

As a studio musician on songs byHazel O'Connor, Mick JacksonandEric Burdon. In the 1990s he worked with thehip-hop bandDie Fantastischen Vier, as guitarist on the title track "4 gewinnt" and as guitarist, bassist and co-author of the titleGenug ist genug (album "4. Dimension")). In 2007, Sabol's fiery guitar solos shaped thepig rock mixof the singleErnteten was wir säen, which is now firmly part of the live repertoire of Fanta 4. In addition to the participation of singles byCamouflage (Thieves) andThomas D (Get on Board (Remix)), he has been regularly composing and producing instrumental music for use in television, film and advertising since the mid-nineties, among others for the globally active production music publisherSonoton. For example, Armin Sabol's music has already been used in such well-known TV productions as The Oprah Winfrey Show, the Mentalist or Pawn Stars.

In 2002 his first solo album Wah,Wah,Wah was released, 2007Goddess SHIVA,2009 the EPShredding the Blueswith his blues rock trio "Armin Sabol & Red Hot", as well as the album "Rock the ClassiX" (2013) Sabol runs his own music studio in Stuttgart and performed regularly from 2005 to 2021 with the party bandDie Lollies, which in 1999 with "Wahnisnn, Hell, Hell" could land a big hit.

In the ZDF programVier sind das Volk, a political improv show withWigald Boningas presenter (original formatIf I Ruled the World), Sabol's comedy version of the German national anthem (released onSonoton) was used as theme music in all Follgen in 2014/15.

After a few years concentrating on composing and producing production music, his first musical love, blues rock, re-entered Armin Sabol's life. The desire to release a solo album in the style that had strongly influenced him as a young guitarist became stronger and stronger. With Yellow Muffin Records, he found a label that absolutely wanted to release the music. Accompanied by excellent press and media response, the two advance singles "Got Her In A Bag" and "Going Down" were released in autumn 2021 and "Bad Harvest" in spring 2022, all together with YouTube videos. The album "Back in Blue" will be released on 01.04.2022. The flagship single is the ZZ Top classic "Sharp Dressed Man".

After the energetic performance at the renowned Gitarrentage Schorndorf '22, it was decided to release the exquisite recording as the album "Ready To Roll – Live at Gitarrentage Schorndorf". It will be released on 02.12.2022 on Yello Muffin Records (SPV).

The live videos published in advance on YouTube were so convincing that a first international inquiry followed. As a result, Armin Sabol and his band were engaged to participate in the international "Blues In The Garden" festival in Dărmănești (Romania) on 27 August 2023

In the year 1977 Armin Sabol founded the Nand SHIVA together with bandmate Mat Sinner. The youngster's heavy rock trio toured southern Germany with different drummers. Gigs opening for Whitesnake, Colosseum II (featuring Jon Hiseman, Gary Moore Don Airey) and Nina Hagen quickly helped the band build a strong fan base. SHIVA split up in 1981 without having released an album. Still, after a temporary reunion on behalf of a charity event in 2007, the album Goddess SHIVA was released the same year.

In 1981 Armin met the previously unknown singer Pierre Schilling. After a few demos in Schillings old "Schlager" style Sabol suggested a drastic musical change and take up elements of New Wave and "Neue Deutsche Welle" (NDW). After the first demo in this style Schillings publisher Peermusic in Hamburg freaked out and encouraged the team to put together an album. Within a few months, all titles were done. After Peermusic could not find a suitable producer they suggested to leave the production up to Schilling and Sabol, since the 4-track demos sounded so well and already "had it all". The Peter Schilling Album "error in the system" was released in the fall of 1982. The first single, "Major Tom crashed into the charts in early 1983, climbing up to # 1 and staying there for 8 weeks. The follow-up singles "Die Wüste lebt", "Fehler im System", "Terra Titanic" and "Hitze der Nacht" all went into the charts, just as well as Schillings secondalbum "120 Grad". In 1984, the American record company Elektra got attracted by the project. This led to worldwide releases of Schilling's albums "Error in the System" and "Things to Come" (English version of "120 Grad") in English. The single "Major Tom (Coming Home" reached # 14 on the Billboard charts, the extendended version even went on# 1 in the US-Dance Charts. The album "Error in the system" reached a gold status in Canada, just like the single "Major Tom" in Germany, Austria and Canada. After personal and musical differences the collaboration of Schilling and Sabol ended in 1985.

From the mid-80s Armin Sabol produced Metalbands like Rage, Sinner and Pyracanda. Furthermore, he started additional activities as a journalist, among others with title stories with guitar icons Edward Van Halen and Slash for the German "Fachblatt" music magazine. Furthermore he published a book as Co-author, "Fit fürs Music Business".

As a studio guitarist Armin Sabol can be heard on countless albums. Amongst many others he has worked with Hazel O'Connor, Mick Jackson and Eric Burdon. In the 1990s he played on albums of the German Hip Hop supergroup "Die fantastischen 4". He tracked the guitar on their title track "Vier gewinnt", as well as on "Genug ist genug" from their album "4. Dimension", where he laid down the guitar and bass tracks and co-wrote the composition. Armin Sabol's furious guitar on the "Ernteten was wir säen (Schweinerock Mix)" have set the track on fire. The "Fanta 4" are still finishing their live shows with the furious version of that song. Furthermore Arminparticipated on singles of the German synth-pop band Camouflage or Hip Hop icon Thomas D.

From the early nineties onwards Sabol is writing and producing instrumental production music for worldwide usage in television, film and advertising, amongst othersSonoton music. His music has been used on big TV shows like the Oprah Winfrey Show, the Mentalist, Pawn Stars and many more.

In 2002 Armin released his first solo album Wah, wah, wah, followed by the album "Goddess Shiva" in 2007, the EP Shredding the Blues (2009) with his blues-rock trio "Armin Sabol & Red Hot", and the album "Rock the ClassiX" (2013) Sabol is runninga small but effective music studio in Stuttgart and is playing live regularly since 2005 with the party band die Lollies, which had a major hit in 1999 with "Wahnisnn, Hölle, Hölle".

In 2014 & 15 the german TV show "Vier sind das Volk" (original format "If I Ruled the World") used Sabols comedy version of the German National Anthem in all episodesas theme music.

After some years of working on Production Music concentrated, his first musical love reappeared in Armin Sabol's life: Blues Rock. The wish to release a Solo-Album in the musical style that shaped him in his early years became ever stronger. With Yellow Muffin Records he found a label that was excited about the recordings and wanted to release them. In the fall of 2021 the Singles "Got Her In A Bag" and "Going Down" were released. In early 2022 "Bad Harvest" followed, all of them including YouTube-Videos and flanked by extraordinrily positive Press and Media response. The Album "Back in Blue" release date is 01.04.2022. The Flaship-Single with the album will be the ZZ Top classic "Sharp Dressed Man".

After the energetic live schow at the renowned festival "Gitarrentage Schorndorf" it was clear that the brilliant live recording has to be released on an album. "Ready To Roll – Live at Gitarrentage Schorndorf" is going to be released on Dec., 2nd. 2022 on Yellow Muffin Records (SPV).

The previously released live videos from the same show on YouTube led to the first international show for Armin Sabol & Band at the renowed "Blues In The Garden" festival on Aug., 27th. 2023 in Dărmănești (Romania).


  More info: 

Armin Sabol | Armin Sabol's Website


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