Freddie Maguire y su tema RED WINE WOMAN ( You're mine ) es uno de los artistas que figuran en el podcast elaborado por el prestigioso periodista Miquel Botella Armengou en la que aparecen , según su criterio algunos de los temas a destacar aparecidos durante el transcurso del año 2022, y que bajo el título de :
Blues 2022: debuts y embajadores
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Os ofrecemos un audio del tema : RED WINE WOMAN (You´re mine ) incluído en el album de MAGUIRE de título genérico: EVIDENCE
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Urban blues, Swing, Funky, Rhythm and Blues, Jazz, Soul become the pillars on which to found and build a work that resurrects the awareness that these genres will continue to accompany human tastes and musical choices; they are styles that have in the telling of emotional truths, through music and words, their concreteness and their purity and in this record they are really evident, as the title underlines.
"Evidence" is a casket that contains eight precious jewels for the heart, for the sensitivity and for the thoughts. Eight tracks that unleash the force of the Blue Note on the listener, and it's nice to let yourself be overwhelmed and dragged by this current because letting yourself go to the music, to this music, is always a help to find yourself, to understand each other and to arrive at answers that even we suspected its existence.
Frederick Maguire, author of all the lyrics, and Roberto Dusi compose and give life, with the other musicians, to an album that immediately conquers a place of honor among the playlists of anyone who loves Blues, Jazz and all their connected genres. Freddie Maguire's voice is immediately the protagonist in "Get Your Groove", a Funky - Soul that jumps from bass to treble with a dynamic that extends every form of resistance to beat the tempo and embraces the groove that lives in each of us.
“Red Wine Woman (You're Mine)” is gritty and sexy; just like the seduction of a confident woman should be that she looks at us, sipping deep red wine, smiles and believes she has us under control. To conquer it, you have to go with even more confidence.
"Mellow Blue" is a blend of smoke imbued with Blues and Jazz that brush, touch, play with our souls. Solitary atmosphere of a clandestine bar in the slums of Chicago where one goes to forget and learn to dream again. “Painted Woman” brings us back to the surface and shows us a new face that perfectly combines the ingredients of Black Music.
"Feelin' Almost Blue" is that thin razor that passes lightly over the skin and moves on the border between what could be, what is and what is not. We savor the idea of cutting without actually trying it and, therefore, we understand the value of imagination. “You Made Love To My Soul” finds a winning rhythm and riff to create an indissoluble game between body and soul; the bust goes in time with the neck and head, we dance with the grit of Maguire's voice that accompanies our jolts.
“Take My Blues Away” is a Shuffle that awakens old pleasantly unattainable dreams that keep us there to find an answer in the Blues. Throwing away the little blue devils that belong to each of us, bringing them out to make them express themselves and leave our soul, all this is possible only through the singing and sound of direct and sincere Blue Notes.
"Senseless Rain" is the poignant Slow that captures feelings and makes you realize that any ransom to get them back is useless. You only have the possibility to let yourself get involved all the way and, perhaps, only if the music wants and will deem you right for it, at the end of the obscure, you will find something new to resume your journey… otherwise, you will be lost in the Blues.
"Evidence", recorded between Italy, Chicago and Arizona, is a fairy tale for those who have always lived on the Blues and it is a key to open the door for those who have not yet approached the genre, you choose which side you feel you belong to. The record truly has no boundaries. The musicians who collaborated on the project make everything so smooth, natural, empathic and calibrated in a world, that of Black Music, which is actually full of intersections, history and emotional whirlwinds.
In addition to the authors, Frederick Maguire, a voice that knows how to live every moment of a song, and Roberto Dusi, a guitar that touches and vibrates the strings of the heart that are many more than six, the other musicians also offer that magic that only atmospheres of Black Music can create. Sergio Montaleni, on guitar in "Get Your Groove" is a Funky fire that colors the sky with groove. Andrea Taravelli, on bass, and Carmine Bloise, on drums, form a rhythm section that demonstrates taste, touch and elegance in every context. Simone Migani, on piano in "Mellow Blue", "Feelin' Almost Blue" and "Senseless Rain", is a gambler with our emotions, his notes enter from every pore of the skin and when you realize it too late, you are already a victim. John Kattke, at the Hammond in "Painted Woman" and "Take My Blues Away", gives those lasting sonic vibrations that cultivate the necessary pathos in the Blues.
Ric Hall is guitar, together with Dusi,
This info appears in:
Freddie Maguire “Evidence” - Rock Nation
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