SEWillis: "Un cantant i teclista comandant (piano, orgue i acordió) que lliura material clàssic i original amb convicció i autenticitat".

Lee Hildebrand, East Bay Express

SEWillis, originari de Virgínia de l'Oest, toca el piano i l'harmònica des dels sis anys, i l'orgue i l'acordió des de la seva adolescència. Va començar a tocar en bandes de rock and roll al llarg del tram de la Ruta 66 d'Arizona el 1967. La música de Willis està molt arrelada a les formes tradicionals americanas: blues, boogie-woogie, country, rockabilly, gospel, zydeco . Un veterano líder de la banda, SE (Steve) Willis ha pres un paper secundari en bandes amb artistes com Chuck Berry, Bo Diddly, Albert King, Jimmy Rogers, Roy Gaines i, des del 2000, Elvin Bishop (el seu acordió apareix de manera destacada al llançament de 2014 "Can't Even Do Wrong Right").

SEWillis va a cantar tenor amb l'Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir i va aparèixer en el seu llançament de 1995 "We've Come a Mighty Long Way". Va treballar tres anys més amb el miembro fundador de Meters i la llegenda de la bateria de Nova Orleans Joseph "Zigaboo" Modeliste, i toca el piano en el seu llançament en solitari Zigaboo.com.

Willis ha publicat un CD de material original i clàssic: Airn Beats Nairn, 1999; El hombre vivo más afortunado, 2002; La mà freda a la mina, 2003, Taproot, 2007; Passeu el barret, 2013; Turtle Dove Bounce/Live at the Poor House, 2015; Demasiado amor (SEWillis i els disposats), 2019.

Cinquanta anys en el negoci i comptant, SEWillis sap molt sobre la música d'arrel nord-americana i la mostra amb cada nota.


SEWillis: "A commanding singer and keyboard player (piano, organ and accordion) who delivers classic and original material with conviction and authenticity."

Lee Hildebrand, East Bay Express

Originally from West Virginia, SEWillis has been playing the piano and harmonica since he was six, and the organ and accordion since he was a teenager. He began playing in rock and roll bands along Arizona's stretch of Route 66 in 1967. Willis' music is deeply rooted in traditional Americana forms: blues, boogie-woogie, country, rockabilly, gospel, zydeco . A veteran bandleader, SE (Steve) Willis has taken a supporting role in bands with artists such as Chuck Berry, Bo Diddly, Albert King, Jimmy Rogers, Roy Gaines and, since 2000, Elvin Bishop (his accordion appears on prominently on the 2014 release "Can't Even Do Wrong Right").

SE Willis sings tenor with the Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir and was featured on their 1995 release "We've Come a Mighty Long Way." He worked for three more years with Meters founding member and New Orleans drumming legend Joseph "Zigaboo" Modeliste, and plays piano on his solo release Zigaboo.com.

Willis has released a CD of original and classic material: Airn Beats Nairn, 1999; The luckiest man alive, 2002; The Cold Hand in the Mine, 2003, Taproot, 2007; Pass the hat, 2013; Turtle Dove Bounce/Live at the Poor House, 2015; Too much love (SEWillis and the willing), 2019.

Fifty years in the business and counting, SEWillis knows a lot about American roots music and it shows with every note.

 Info : 

SE Willis



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