Honoring the legacy of Elizabeth "Libba" Cotten in Carrboro, North Carolina
Music Maker Foundation and the Town of Carrboro’s tenth annual concert series returns, expanded to eight evening events from May 3rd-June 21st.

Join us 6:30-8:30 pm on May 3rd – June 21st, 2024 for eight FREE Friday evening concerts featuring incredible roots musicians steeped in the diverse traditions of the Carolina Piedmont!
The Town of Carrboro, N.C., proudly presents the Music Maker Foundation’s Freight Train Blues series of live concerts every Friday evening between May 3 and June 21, 2024, at the Carrboro Town Commons, 301 W. Main Street. The series is a collaboration among  Music Maker Foundation; the Town of Carrboro; WUNC 91.5 FM; and The Forests at Duke. Funding for this year’s series was also provided by the North Carolina Arts Council’s Spark the Arts initiative.

Bring your picnic, lawn chairs and blankets for a free evening of live music on the lawn. 

Music Maker Foundation honors Cotten’s legacy in the world of roots music by emphasizing the cultural diversity, complexity, and vitality of her music and the music of many other artists local to her community and all over the country. 


Carrboro es un pueblo fundado en 1911 perteneciente al condado de Orange en el estado de Carolina del Norte, Estados Unidos.

Con 16.782 habitantes según censo de 2000, el pueblo es conocido por sus ideales libertarias; de hecho, muchos consideran que Carrboro es el pueblo más libertario del sur: Fue el primer municipio de Carolina del Norte en elegir a un alcalde abiertamente homosexual Mike Nelson en 1995, y en garantizar los beneficios de la unión legal de parejas del mismo sexo (Ver domestic-partner). En octubre de 2002, Carrboro se encontraba entre los primeros municipios del Sur en adoptar resoluciones contrarias a la invasión de Irak de 2003 y la Patriot Act.

Carrboro se ubica cerca del pueblo de Chapel Hill donde está la Universidad de Carolina del Norte-Chapel Hill.

Carrboro, NC - Official Website | Official Website
Town of Carrboro, NC


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