KA & The Blue Devils

The story of KA & The Blue Devils is above all the story of a duo, that of Carole CRIMI and Jeff REBSAMEN, united in life as well as on stage.

Well surrounded by a superb team of experienced musicians: “The Blue Devils”. A modern Blues quintet, piano/Hammond organ, bass, drums, guitar and vocals. Jeff and KA founded this group in 2011. The group, seasoned on stage, takes on its full dimension when it is in communion with the public. KA a real stage beast comes to pick you up and take you with her. A sure bet on the French blues scene, a first album “Once Upon a Time…” 2019. A second album “Anywhere” released on November 25, 2023. The two albums mix original compositions in French and English.

With her warm and powerful voice, a real vocal signature, Carole CRIMI alias KA is the key to the group. Author, composer, performer, she finds an ideal field of expression in the Blues. Her husband comes to enhance her voice with his guitar. Also a composer, we owe him several titles from the first album, on which we find all his influences, he the purist of the group, from Albert Collins and BB King to the great Lucky Peterson whom the couple worships.

Always the same cocktail, effective blues rock, shuffle, soul and a touch of funk... The alliance of modernity and respect for origins.

With two albums to their credit, KA & The Blue Devils are more than ever in the starting blocks to hit all the Blues roads.


KA & The Blue Devils Blues Band, Alpes Maritimes, France



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