Good morning, from Terrassa R&R we want to inform you that on October 5th, at the Ballvalles OC in Terrassa, a very appropriate event will be organized for you.

So now you know, put on your best clothes and come dance to Boogie Woogie, R&R, Jumpin'Jive, Madison.... Vinyl sessions by the Deejay's, Òscar Armengol and Rockin ́Badalona.

In addition, in this event we will have two groups on stage, one of them for the first time in Catalonia, after stepping on crowds of stages around the world, this group from Bologna, Italy, will make us sing and dance with their music from the 40s & 50s, judge your own 

So, if you can't miss this event in Terrassa, for only 15 Euros you will have the right to attend the concerts of the groups and the sessions of the Deejay's, for each ticket the Ballvalles Oci with a drink, a beer or a soft drink and a small sandwich, can you ask for more?

Dj Rockin´Badalona 

Terrassa R&R a estat anunciat en un dels esdeveniments de R&R més importants del món, al High Rockabilly Festival de Calafell, Catalunya, gràcies per compartir el cartell de l'esdeveniment amb totes les teves amistats, recorda, per tan sols 15 Euros, entrada al Terrassa Rock & Roll en el qual podràs veure els Buddies Band de Barcelona i Black Ball Boogie d'Itàlia,  per a aquest grup serà la seva primera actuació a terres Catalanes, si pots, no et perdis l'esdeveniment del proper 5 d'Octubre 2024 a Terrassa al Ball Valls Oci, t'esperem, per cert, se m'oblidava, per cada entrada s'oferirà una consumició, cervesa o refresc i un petit entrepà, se'n pot donar més?


Entrades mes vistes els darrers 30 díes !